Cyril Slobin wrote:
Hi all!

Who maintains Esperanto spell files for Vim? File eo.utf-8.spl is
completely broken! In fact it was broken long ago when I've download
Vim 7.0. Now I've upgrade to 7.0.219 and have checked if something
became better. No hope -- it is the same broken file. I use Win32
version of Vim.

I have complied my own eo.utf-8.spl from ispell sources by Sergio
Pokrovskij found in Debian 3.1 distribution. It understands both real
Unicode and surrogate "Cxirkaux"-style (if you don't speak Esperanto,
you don't need to understand this). Archive contains .spl file itself,
two .dic files, two .aff files and short readme file (it is in
Esperanto, not English, and named "legumin", not "readme"). You can
download it from:

Maybe it is a good idea to replace broken file with my one on Vim ftp site.

I've newer use aap and don't know vim maintaining technology, I've
just manually converted ispell files to myspell ones and than compiled
them to Vim format.

I have not checked eo.iso-8859-3.spl file, I newer use iso-8859-3.

That file is no less broken. I'm sending you the details in a private email in Esperanto.

Best regards,
Oregano, n.:
        The ancient Italian art of pizza folding.

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