Hugh Sasse wrote:
My problem is that I mainly work through Windows systems (often ssh into Solaris, but still) and I don't have a clue what to do with fonts for all
this, E.g. in PuTTY.  I'm not entirely clear how to do this in gvim for that
matter.  I've read some of the help on UTF8 but I'm still rather confused
being very much at the Beginner stage for this in terms of the Dreyfus
model of skills aquistion
so if someone has a really gentle introduction to all this I'd be grateful.
I've noticed that Word stores things in UTF-16 (LOTS of nulls :-)) so
this should be achievable, but....

Best regards,

        Thank you,

Some years ago, I wrote the chapter of the Vim FAQ about Unicode: browse to and scroll to the last section, e.g. by searching the page for the string SECTION 37 (which happens twice, once in the table of contents and once at the head of the section itself).

I just reread that section, which is a series of short explanations about the things most important to use Unicode in Vim, with links to the appropriate help topics and in a few cases to documentation elsewhere on the Web. Apart from a few typos, it can still be regarded as accurate. (I didn't check the external links though; if you find one that is broken, report it to Yegappan, the maintainer of that FAQ.)

Best regards,
I'm changing my name to Chrysler
I'm going down to Washington, D.C.
I'll tell some power broker
        What they did for Iacocca
Will be perfectly acceptable to me!
I'm changing my name to Chrysler,
I'm heading for that great receiving line.
When they hand a million grand out,
        I'll be standing with my hand out,
Yessir, I'll get mine!
                -- Tom Paxton

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