On Fri, Apr 27, 2007 at 03:30:45PM +0200, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> Andrei A. Voropaev wrote:
> >Actually, I've hit another bug few times already, unfortunately I can't
> >reproduce it. When I type quickly and miss a key, then I try to undo my
> >changes and instead get back the message "Can't undo, the line numbers
> >are incorrect" or something like that. Usually it happens after I hit
> You may want to compile the latest 
> Vim (7.0.233, several patches published yesterday). It won't help with that 
> popup problem (which I can now reproduce with the latest build) but it may 
> help with your undo problem.

Oh, that's right, I haven't updated my version for a long time now :)
Do I understand it correctly, that sources are not patched, so I have to
get all of the patches separately and apply them?

Minds, like parachutes, function best when open

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