Hi all

Tony said:

F2 to F12 (with the possible exception of F10), Shift-F1 to Shift-F12.

Perhaps not the OP, but someone might find this useful.

Vim, at least on Windows, also knows about F13, F14 and F15.  I've
never seen a keyboard with such, but registry mappings can be used to
map the otherwise next to useless (IMO) windows keys (called "Left
Windows", "Right Windows" and "Application") to them, and their easily
found location may make them good for a map leader, though grossly

(I confess the weakness, oh the shame, of using the arrow keys a lot,
with the mouse, more shame, in my left hand, so while in this mode, I
use the above trick to bring often used functions to hand without
having to move my left hand from the mouse.)

Of the various pages about this windows arcana I found
http://www.usnetizen.com/fix_capslock.html very helpful.

I'm curious, though.  Are these keys known by Vim on Unices, so could
be mapped with say, xmodmap?

Regards, John

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