Ben Fritz wrote:

> On May 25, 3:37=A0pm, Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:
> > This is moot though, a file edited by several people is very unusual,
> > and if it does happen an undo file won't be very useful. =A0Better not
> > enable the undofile option for this kind of file.
> >
> I haven't had time to try out the Vim 7.3 stuff. Is persistent undo a
> buffer-local option? It sounds like perhaps it should be, so that
> users can easily turn it on and off on a per-file basis. Of course, I
> would say the same about 'backup', which is unfortunately a global
> option.

The 'undofile' option is local to the buffer.  Thus you can use ":set
undofile" and all buffers opened will use that value, but ":setlocal
undofile" will only set it for the current buffer.

I have not heard a request for 'backup' to be buffer-local.  We do have
the 'backupskip' option.  Would we need a 'undofileskip' option?  And
perhaps a "undofileapply" option for the opposite?  I think using the
buffer-local option in combination with an autocommand will work just as
well.  If I remember correctly, 'backupskip' was added before

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