Reply to message «google summer of code», 
sent 21:34:07 08 March 2011, Tuesday
by Anurag Priyam:

> * Improving the signs implementation. Different scripts can use same
> sign id by accident. So this is a design flaw. Also, signs which don't
> move if you add lines. (Eg for breakpoints when using php xdebug ...)
> Maybe one can get this done using events as well but its less optimal.
There are lots of places where plugins may use same id by accident (functions, 
mappings, variables, ...). There is another point: I was going to add signs 
support to my format.vim plugin, but the following facts stopped me:
1. signs are accessible only with commands;
2. command output (which I may parse) is translated;
3. v:lang variable value is system-dependent.

Another suggestion for GSoC: make vim able to differentiate between <CR> and 
<C-m> and make it possible to map something like <C-Tab> at least in GUI (these 
features are discussed on vim-dev now, see the long «Dear Bram» thread).

Original message:
> Hi,
> In a discussion with current maintainers of regarding site
> re-write/re-thinking the topic of participating in Google Summer of
> Code was raised, and I feel that further discussion (if happening)
> should take place on this list.
> A bit of Googling reveals that Vim did not participate after 2008. We
> will need to move fast if we intend to apply as Google has started
> accepting applications from mentoring organizations and the deadline
> is 11th March.
> Some ideas (most of them copied from Marc's email with slight editing)
> that might serve a GSoC:
> * improve VimL a little bit (maybe adding closures, improving stack
> traces, ..) Also make it easier to bind ruby, python, .. code to
> mappings directly.
> * Maybe add native curl support so that vim-addon-manager can be
> installed without much user interaction on Windows (without having to
> pull curl or the like first ..)
> * Improving the signs implementation. Different scripts can use same
> sign id by accident. So this is a design flaw. Also, signs which don't
> move if you add lines. (Eg for breakpoints when using php xdebug ...)
> Maybe one can get this done using events as well but its less optimal.
> * redesign
> Since, I am not qualified to act on behalf of Vim, I will leave it to
> the upstream to take if from here :). Just for a start, we would need
> volunteers for organization admin, mentors for ideas, and maybe more
> ideas.

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