On 23/04/11 6:29 PM, John Beckett wrote:
Ben Schmidt wrote:
Turns out you're right, John, though I couldn't find any
actual evidence in your mail or the thread you cited to prove it. :-)

However, this page does prove it:

Interesting docs, thanks. BTW while in general defining an A
record for vim.org would not be sufficient when several websites
are hosted at the one IP address, the fact that putting the
entry that I showed in your hosts file works does prove that
adding the DNS A record would work (although of course it is
ideal to know that Sourceforge support that, and it will work in
the future).

O, I never said it wouldn't *work*. It just might not be reliable or
responsible. If SF changed things, it would break, and if they were
doing load balancing or geotargetting with DNS, we'd be bypassing it by
hard-coding in a static IP, so could screw things up for them.

I suggest you try Bram, and see if he wants to ask for the
change. I'm still in "let sleeping dogs lie" camp.

Well, I've given my opinion: I think it would be a nice thing to do for
those who want it, it is technically feasible, wouldn't hurt anything,
and I can see no good reason not to do it. But I don't actually care
about it, and it doesn't affect me. So, if anyone's going to actually
push for it, or put in extra work to convince Bram/our DNS admin (sorry
I don't know his name!)/anyone else relevant to make the change, it
won't be me.



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