Gene Kwiecinski wrote:
>>> Sorry -- I'm just not getting this "+y
>> Then type "+y (press and release " then + then y).
> Not to harp on it again, but the more or less standardised keychords can
> also be used:
>       copy    ^C      ctl-ins
>       cut     ^X      ctl-del
>       paste   ^V      shf-ins
        I use vim in cmnds/MS-WIN windows, vim in linux shells, gvim on windows
and even occasionally gvim on linux.

        Will these standardized chords work all of those cases?  I
tend to find them confusing...since I'm often unsure if of which
"chord" it is:
{ctl,shft,alt}-{ins,del,home,end,PgUp,PgDn}, and with the chording
keys, you can press more than one at the same time and they are different.
They also act differently if you are in a CMD window, vs a Win-app,
It can get worse if you add the 'Win and Menu' keys (my keyboard doesn't
even have a Menu key...*sigh*

        I'm not saying they are bad -- just that when I switch platforms
I get confused -- especially since I often connect from one platform
through a window, remotely, to another platform.

        All I need is an Apple-keyboard, and my mental processes will
be "set"....well, I suppose if I really want to challenge, I should be
able to switch from qwerty to dvorak (at least in the US), I guess in
France its qzerty?...

> and usually work across apps and even platforms.
> Also don't have the infamous 'mswin.vim' getting in the way causing
> problems.
I don't.

> Nb:  ^C can have Unexpected Results (ie, SIGBREAK) on unixy systems, and
> trigger one of those "Do you *really* want to quit??" responses.
        I don't find those chording combinations you mention work
in a cmnd-Win nor over an 'ssh' connection, nor a linux-terminal-emulating
remote client (SecureCRT).

        Maybe if I had a different setup -- and actually only used
linux and win desktops?  Apple/MAC?  Didn't use 'tty' windows?  If you
use remote desktop clients like the Windows "Terminal-Services" remote?
There are other remote clients people like to share desktops...they all seem
to have different quirks & short cuts...(sigh)...

        I know-- just don't use remote computers! :-)  (that would make my
life 'difficult')....

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