On 06/11/08 23:40, Gene Kwiecinski wrote:
>>> Sorry -- I'm just not getting this "+y
>> Then type "+y (press and release " then + then y).
> Not to harp on it again, but the more or less standardised keychords can
> also be used:
>       copy    ^C      ctl-ins
>       cut     ^X      ctl-del
>       paste   ^V      shf-ins
> and usually work across apps and even platforms.
> Also don't have the infamous 'mswin.vim' getting in the way causing
> problems.
> Nb:  ^C can have Unexpected Results (ie, SIGBREAK) on unixy systems, and
> trigger one of those "Do you *really* want to quit??" responses.

Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V have other meanings in Vim... _unless_ you 
have the infamous mswin.vim getting in the way.

In Normal mode:
Ctrl-C is Break or Interrupt, mswin remaps it to Copy.
Ctrl-V is Block Visual, mswin remaps it to Paste
Ctrl-X is Decrement Number, mswin remaps it to Cut...

In Insert mode:
Ctrl-C is Break out of Insert mode, go to Normal mode without triggering 
the InsertLeave event
Ctrl-V is Literalize (key, or decimal, octal, hex or Unicode value)
Ctrl-X is Autocomplete (in various ways depending on what comes after)
...and, again, mswin breaks these, replacing them by Copy, Paste and Cut.

Best regards,
ARTHUR: This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere.  Explain again how
sheep's bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.
         "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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