On 25/01/09 18:35, Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado wrote:
> And yes, the "standard" terminal color shades are ugly. Probably they
> were chosen to provide shades which were as orthogonal as possible
> between them, don't know :? But they are mostly useless for syntax
> highlighting. Fortunately the 256 colors available for terminals provide
> good shades. They fit a bit better IMHO with a black background, but I
> find a white (or better, a light) background better because I focus
> better (greater depth of field with my iris a bit more closed).
> Raúl "DervishD" Núñez de Arenas Coronado

The ones I dislike most (at least in my konsole terminal) are "dark red" 
and "dark yellow", which are two shades of some kind of brown. Now that 
I've started my own colorscheme, in gvim I can use the colors I want, 
either the so-called "safe" colors for use in a 256-color environment 
(where each of the red, yellow and blue components are multiples of 
0x33: I know this particular case could be handled by some Vim versions 
run in Console mode with the help of one custom plugin, but I haven't 
yet come around to testing it), or any one at all of the 2^24 (16K) 
colors available in #rrggbb notation (some of which have symbolic 
aliases which I use when they aren't too outlandish, i.e., I may use 
"darkred" for #880000 but not "papayawhip" for #FFEF05).

Personally I prefer gvim, not only for the above reason, but also 
because it has other advantages, such as a menubar (which can be worked 
around, and I have the code for it in my vimrc, but its mouseless 
navigation is slower), or an instantaneous font switch, so that e.g. if 
I want to look in detail at all the intricacies of some Chinese 
characters I may set FZFangSong 16 instead of my usual Bitstream Vera 
Sans Mono 8. (There is a "Settings => Font => Select..." menu in konsole 
but the gvim ":set" command is much faster for the fonts I know, and, 
with ":set gfn=*" just as fast when hunting.) What else? A maximized 
screen which a smaller font, which allows a much larger number of 
characters onscreen (I prefer to keep my konsole terminal at 80x43, 
which sits easily within my desktop at a convenient character size, and 
dates back to the first EGA cards so that most text-based applications 
handle it with no problem).

Best regards,
"Star Wars is adolescent nonsense; Close Encounters is obscurantist
drivel; Star Trek can turn your brains to purée of bat guano; and the
greatest science fiction series of all time is Doctor Who!  And I'll
take you all on, one-by-one or all in a bunch to back it up!"
                -- Harlan Ellison

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