On Sun, 2009-01-25 at 16:23 +0100, Jesus Sanchez wrote:
> Very nice post, and very very complete. I agree (and think everyone
> also
> agree) the fact that the screens today still use the "grey on black"
> theme for the terminals (tty ones and VGA modes) cause the history
> repercusion about this. Also looking to a VGA screen (80x25 chars)
> with
> white background is really ugly and the low refresh rate (70 Hz I
> think...) is enought low to make the blink perceptible. On GUI I think
> the "What You See Is What You Get" have turned all backgrounds to
> white
> when we all talking about light, not paper. I still have problems
> cause
> in my house all my family use my computer and they say "white on
> black"
> sucks, and aslo is harder to read. After some discussions they still
> don't accept the fact that light to the eyes continuously can't be
> good.

The main reason old terminals had unlit backgrounds was to prevent
phosphor burn-in.  When everyone switched to VGA, screensavers were used
to prevent burn-in long enough so that the monitor worked until newer,
higher-resolution graphics required a new one.  :)

Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,

"It would appear that we have reached the limits of what it is
 possible to achieve with computer technology, although one should
 be careful with such statements, as they tend to sound pretty silly
 in 5 years."
   --John von Neumann, circa 1960

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