Hi All,

The create and start directions for a Windows instance of Virtuoso work fine for a virgin install, per http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/VOSUsageWindows.

However, if I have any problems that cause me to shut down my machine (due to development), I find I can still see the service listed, but can not start from Control Panel --> Services or manually at the command line with any options I try.

I use standard-type service commands (per Linux) as well as options like listed here, but with virtuoso-t:


And nothing seems to work. I end up having to re-install Virtuoso, which is OK when developing, but not cool longer term.

1. Can someone document the open source Virtuoso service command switches? (examples)

virtuoso-t -I Demo -S create -c demo.ini
virtuoso-t -I Demo -S start

It would be helpful to have all switches documented, what applies to open source, etc.

2. Can someone document proper steps and sequence for service re-starts and the procedure for re-starts?

3. Any thoughts as to why the service can not be restarted through the Services control panel?

Thanks, Mike

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