Hi Mitko:
Mitko Iliev wrote:
Hi Michael,
The ODS framework has no file system VAD package as it's user home
temples mechanism is WebDAV oriented.
My question arose from the quote on
"Alternately, you can install the ods_filesystem.vad package which will
put the dynamic web pages in the filesystem and you can edit them as the
server is running, as you would edit any dynamic web pages under PHP or
You may want to remove this reference (or perhaps provide an actual
ods_filesystem.vad! other suggestions regarding other
xxx_filesystem.vad files intimate this might be a cool mechanism!)
In any event, thanks for the further instructions below.
I will report on my attempts and continue to document the same. I'll
let you know how it goes! :)
Thanks, Mike
However it's possible to setup the ODS to run in file system.
To do that i.e. to make appropriate virtual directories etc. you may do
the following:
* suppose ODS Framework directory structure is under :
* a copy of <cvs>/binsrc/oat/toolkit under ODS-Framework directory as
subdirectory 'ods'
* have a sql script with following content:
registry_set('_wa_path_', '/ods/');
load wa_search_procs.sql;
load wa_template.sql;
vhost_remove (lpath=>'/ods');
vhost_remove (lpath=>'/ods/images/icons');
vhost_define (lpath=>'/ods', ppath=>'/wa/', is_dav=>0, vsp_user=>'dba',
opts=>vector('xml_templates', 'yes', '404_page','not_found.vspx'));
vhost_define (lpath=>'/ods/images/icons', ppath=>'/wa/icons', is_dav=>0);
The above will define virtual directories & setup procedure for use from
file system.
Also you can run init.sql (development script) from ODS-Framework
directory .
To execute scripts, you can use the command line ISQL tool (isql.exe) e.g.
CMD> isql.exe [sql_port] dba [dba pass] [script_file_name]
Please note that in the above scripts the 'ODS-Framework' directory is
copied under HTTP root directory as 'wa' subdirectory, so if you want
another name of the copy you should change the places where 'wa' is
As for putting back changes in WebDAV, just push back the changed & new
files in the ODS original location in CVS checkout and make a vad
package for deployment.
Please let me know if this helps.
Best Regards,
Michael K. Bergman wrote:
Hi All,
I am renewing an older thread entitled, "VSPX, WebDAV, UI and Windows
Issues" that last had Mitko providing response on 4/24-4/25. That
earlier information has proven helpful, but not yet fully sufficient.
I anticipate there may be a number of these new posts as I again try to
work through the undocumented process of modifying ODS VSPX code.
First, where is a copy of the file ods_filesystem.vad? If I understand
correctly, this construct allows editing of physical files outside of
WebDAV. Moreover, I am curious how this construct may compare with the
physical file option discussed below.
Second, where are the ODS-wide template files found, and how can more be
added beyond the single default?
And, third, I have wanted to create a physical file instantiation of the
ODS VSPX upon which to make modifications. I followed the general steps
of using the Virtuoso Conductor UI laid out by Mitko:
1. Create a physical directory under HTTP ServerRoot that can be
seen from the INI file, HTTPServer section ServerRoot setting. The line
in my virtuoso.ini file is:
ServerRoot = ../vsp , which is found in:
2. Put the VSPX pages (actually, all ODS pages and directory
structure under appsource) in this same physical directory (also
included the subdirectories), plus I added the pages that had been under VSP
3. Create a virtual directory (VD) using the Conductor UI :
'WebDAV&HTTP' -> 'HTTP Hosts & Directories'. The requirement for the
VD is pick 'localhost', add a 'New Directory', then of the three radio
buttons on the next screen choose Type-File System, and then click
'Next.' That brings up a third screen, on which you set 'Physical path'
to file system location created under Step #1 and "VSP User" to some
user ("dba") which has SQL permissions to SQL tables and objects used in
the active pages in the project.
Here is where things get weird for me.
I suspect I am missing a step or doing something wrong or not labeling a
directory properly.
So, again, if my sole purpose is to have all of ODS in a physical file
location for editing, how exactly do I set up that environment and then
commit the result back to WebDAV?
Thank you.
PS I apologize if this is a duplicate; I sent much earlier to this list,
but it never registered at SourceForge.
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