Hi Mitko,

Could you expand on the initial set up for this? I'm still confused about how to set up the beginning file/directory structure.

Also, please see the other questions below.

I know I'm a newbie about this stuff, but I'm trying to get over the hump and actually do some productive development! :)

Thanks, Mike

Mitko Iliev wrote:
Hi Michael,

The directory structure for file system development to be used with init.sql is :
<cvs root>/appsrc/ODS-Framework -> <http root>/wa/
<cvs root>/binsrc/oat/toolkit/ -> <http root>/wa/oat/
<cvs root>/binsrc/oat/images/ -> <http root>/wa/images/oat/

As for a script to do that, you are right, we should have such a script placed in cvs. I'll try to do that for for next release.

Best Regards,

Michael K. Bergman wrote:
Hi Mitko,

I can get the script to run without error so long as I run it in the same directory where the files wa_search_procs.sql and wa_template.sql reside.

But I'm still not sure what the starting file structure should be. I continue to get this error when I http://localhost:8890/ods/:

Error HTTP/1.1 404 File not found
The requested URL was not found    URI  = '/ods/not_found.vspx'

Also, I noticed a possible discrepancy below:

Michael K. Bergman wrote:
Hi Mitko,

Unfortunately, I have more questions:

Mitko Iliev wrote:
Hi Michael,

The ODS framework has no file system VAD package as it's user home
temples mechanism is WebDAV oriented.
However it's possible to setup the ODS to run in file system.
To do that i.e. to make appropriate virtual directories etc. you may do
the following:
* suppose ODS Framework directory structure is under :

Are you saying I should *copy* all of the source files under appsrc under \vsp? OR just *copy* the appsrc\ODS-Framework files OR something different?

If it is just ODS-Framework, how do I get to and edit specific application files (e.g., ODS-Briefcase)?

In other words, should I not be creating a process and environment for editing and then re-deploying the entire ODS and its apps?

* a copy of <cvs>/binsrc/oat/toolkit under ODS-Framework directory as subdirectory 'ods'

in the virtual 'wa', this subdirectory is listed as 'oat'.

would this now become:
[root]\virtuoso\var\lib\virtuoso\vsp\ODS-Framework\ods ?

* have a sql script with following content:

registry_set('_wa_path_', '/ods/');
load wa_search_procs.sql;
load wa_template.sql;
vhost_remove (lpath=>'/ods');
vhost_remove (lpath=>'/ods/images/icons');
vhost_define (lpath=>'/ods', ppath=>'/wa/', is_dav=>0, vsp_user=>'dba',
opts=>vector('xml_templates', 'yes', '404_page','not_found.vspx')); vhost_define (lpath=>'/ods/images/icons', ppath=>'/wa/icons', is_dav=>0);

The above will define virtual directories & setup procedure for use from
file system.
Also you can run init.sql (development script) from ODS-Framework
directory .

I don't understand. init.sql is not the same content as the sql script listed above.

I also assume that 'vhost' commands refer to WebDAV as the target.

To execute scripts, you can use the command line ISQL tool (isql.exe) e.g.
CMD> isql.exe [sql_port] dba [dba pass] [script_file_name]

Please note that in the above scripts the 'ODS-Framework' directory is
copied under HTTP root directory as 'wa' subdirectory, so if you want
another name of the copy you should change the places where 'wa' is

By HTTP root directory are you referring to the root virtual directory in WebDAV?

Is 'wa' mentioned only in the *.sql files, or where else?

As for putting back changes in WebDAV, just push back the changed & new
files in the ODS  original location in CVS checkout and make a vad
package for deployment.

Do I assume correctly that I will still be able to run ODS as files get modified without having to deploy back to WebDAV? My understanding is: a) deployment is really only a nicety for packaged distributions, but not necessary during development; and b) modified VSPX get compiled to an intermediate PL "on the fly". Correct?

Also, per earlier recommendations, I am *not* using the CVS, but simply the source code (mostly appsrc) from the SourceForge distribution. Please advise if that is not the right way to go.

Can you point me to documentation about making a VAD file other than http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/VAD.html (pretty complicated)?

Please let me know if this helps.

Best Regards,


Thanks, Mike

Thanks, Mike


Michael K. Bergman
Web Scientist
380 Knowling Drive
Coralville, IA  52241


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