Hi All,

Here are some bugs in the binary Windows distribution of ODS (Virtuoso 5.0.1). These all occur after a fresh re-install, while logged in as 'dav' 'dav' sys admin:

-- Apparently, some instances of localhost.localdomain:8890/etc are not registered, with the FF problem loading page error message, "Firefox can't find the server at localhost.localdomain." See, for example: Settings --> Site Security --> [Doc or Main] --> Enter as Owner

-- Settings --> Edit Profile produces Error 42000, UD023: Duplicate member name ctrl_id0A1B2B84 in type DB.DBA.page__DAV_VAD_wa_uiedit_vspx while executing the following statement: #line 9 "/DAV/VAD/wa/uiedit.vspx-sql" create type "DB"."dba".page__DAV_VAD_wa_uiedit_vspx under vspx_page. (see others below)

-- Wiki --> Doc or --> Main, get FF error: "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:7310." If I manually change the URL to port 8890, they load

-- Wiki --> Doc --> User Settings: Get Error 42000 UD023: Duplicate member name ctrl_id0A3FABEC in type DB.DBA.page__DAV_VAD_wa_uiedit_vspx
while executing the following statement:
#line 9 "/DAV/VAD/wa/uiedit.vspx-sql"

-- Wiki --> [topic] --> Cluster Settings --> Syntax --> MediaWiki --> Save Changes --> back to the topic , get FF error: "Firefox can't find the server at localhost.localdomain." (the URL is pointing to the correct 8890 port)

-- perhaps this is an open source difference, but I could not find the WYSIWYG (kupu) editor anywhere for the wiki ( http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/OdsWikiFAQ)

Thanks, Mike

PS I apologize if this is a duplicate; I sent earlier to this list, but it never registered at SourceForge.

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