Hi Rumi,
Thanks!! This is very practical stuff. :)
Rumi Tsekova wrote:
Hi Mike,
Hi All,
The ODS main menu is based on the ods-bar framework with associated code
based in ods_bar.vspx, ods_bar.xsl, ods-bar.css and related ones having
to do with user instances. ods_bar.xsl appears to be the main one.
As an ODS sys admin, it is possible to change menu labels via the ODS UI
using the Site Settings -> Application Menu dialog. However, the
distributed menu option 'Discussion' is not provided there, and there is
a difference in handling apps (e.g., Briefcase) vs profile info (e.g.,
Because the functions below are not possible via the ODS UI (or if so, I
have not found them! :) ), I have been probing the ODS source code
attempting to:
1. Add new menu links
2. Remove some of the existing ones
You can set login as dba/dav from ODS->Site Settings->Application
Instances a limitation for the applications.
It is as follows:
1. If 0, then the Aplication [Name] tab will not be shown in the ODS
Main Navigation Bar. This however will not remove the package. To remove
the package, you may want to use Virtuoso Conductor: System Admin
->Packages and for the relevant application click the Uninstall link
shown in the Action column.
2. If you leave it as MAX(this is to be changed in the next release to
N/A for ex.), then the application can have unlimited number of
instances and the Application tab will be shown in the ODS Main
Navigation bar
3. 0<value<999: This will limit the application number of instances
allowed to be created in the current ODS dataspace.
Duh, I should have figured this one out!
Thanks, Mike
3. Change menu item orders, and
This is a new feature. Should be authomatized. Possibly will be added in
the Next Release so there to be a page, where the adminitrator to
re-order the appearance of the tabs from the ODS Main Navigation bar.
4. Modify the Discussion label.
As Discussion is a special package, which does not support instances,
i.e. every user registered in ODS can send posts to Newsgroups, there is
an exception for it. Anyway, in the next release it will possible you to
change its label directly from the Application Menu page.
Best Regards,
I have been trying to trace code and make mods in various locations, to
no effect. I have even gone so far as to try modifying
DB.DBA.WA_GET_APP_NAME directly through Conductor and in
Can anyone provide guidance about where I should next look regarding
these questions?
Thanks, Mike