Max Moroz wrote:
Eh? I didnt mean to put sensitive info on a public computer.

I expected RealVNC to just run, and not store anything on the machine. Or in 
the worst case, leave a file with settings that I can easily erase.

If you use web email on a public computer, and found that it left your last 
letter saved on the desktop, and you can't even erase it, would you feel it's 
your own fault?

Sorry if I misunderstood what you're talking about, but I really can't make sense of your comment.

Personally, I figure out how all of my applications work before I use them in any sort of insecure environment.

It seemed to me that you just posted a tirade on how lousy the software was for using a very common method of settings storage when really what was to blame was your own ignorance.

Don't get me wrong, I totally understand being caught unawares by code that isn't my own, I just think you could have written your request to the developers in a much more polite manner.

To fix your problem, fire up notepad, and paste in the following three lines:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


and save it as anything.reg. Double-click it, answer yes to the prompt, and then the MRU list will be deleted.
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