On 2/3/07, Kelly F. Hickel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I might be wrong, but that's the way I read it....

I think the issue is bigger than that. You see, James addresses these as
"side"/"minor"/"hobby" projects, while as said:
They ARE 100% compatible with the original VNC code base and largely used.

> On Behalf Of Steve Bostedor
> > Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 4:12 PM
> >
> > The versions that you currently sell (although branded as REAL VNC)
> > are no
> > longer VNC compatible with the original VNC project.  The UltraVNC and
> > TightVNC flavors are still 100% compatible with the original VNC code
> > base
> > while still supporting all of their new features that you mentioned.

> I would be more apt to agree with you, James, if TightVNC and UltraVNC
> > where
> > just some small "hobby projects" that didn't have many users but the
> > reality
> > is that they have a larger user base than RealVNC does and that
> > deserves
> > recognition.

Thank you for standing up and saying that.

> > I hope that I havent offended you by contesting the point of view.

Same here. I'm an implementer and a user of this great work for years. I
have no "hidden agenda".
Also, I have great respect for ALL the people contributing the VNC of all
versions and flavors.


Ran Sasson
Inside Outsourcing I.O. ltd
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