Jones Beene wrote:

> > But heat does, in fact, work.
> Heat does work occassionally in *other* types of cells (Li Cell, Case Cell) . . .

I mean it works in Pd - D2O Fleischmann-Pons cells.

> . . . but the effect of using heat seem clearly to be far less robust and > far less reproducible.

As far as I know everyone who has tried to reproduce it has found it works. McKubre once reproduced it beautifully by accident, when his flow calorimeter cooling fluid tube got blocked up. Fleischmann said the method is a hundred percent reproducible. You have to get the cathode to produce a measurable level of excess heat to start with. The heat pulse boosts the power; it may not trigger it. I believe Cravens said the laser also boosts power in cells that are already active.

By the way, there is no evidence that the laser works because it adds a heat pulse. It is clearly a separate method. I understand that the theoretical importance of this method may be critical, but the technique itself is certainly not "absolutely critical" to making cold fusion reproducible. It may be the best or most practical method, and perhaps it will lead to direct electric power production.

Tapping works sporadically at best.

> Perhaps the "The Ministry of Fun" is one step ahead and has already > realized the importance of implementing a direct-conversion technique > for Mizuno (w or w/o his knowledge) . . .

I very much doubt they are doing anything without his knowledge. I doubt they are capable of it. They do seem more supportive these days, which is good news.

> . . . but first is trying to get some kind of IP status going ?

That is what they are working on. It is some kind of paperwork problem.

- Jed

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