Richard wrote..
 Frank, a simple proof of principle of your thoughts
> on catalysis can be observed with the mixing of a
> two part epoxy. Try mixing a cubic inch square mold
> full versus a thin film layer on a surface.
> The reaction and hardening time differs whereas the
> cubic inch mold reaction time will be up to 12 or
> more times faster than the thin film. This should
> not be. The thin film should harden faster than the
> cube.
Grimer wrote..

In the example you quote it would no doubt be argued that the heat
of reaction for the cube can't escape as easily as for the thin
film and that this heat speeds up the hardening process.

The use of 2 part epoxy as an example over concrete is used because of the heat of reaction of epoxy is more obvious to everyone over concrete. Near identical reactive events occur in both. If you identify it as a chemical reaction you have locked yourself in the cloakroom.. it is a B-a and G-a event beyond chemistry as defined.

If we consider the heat comes from the chemical reaction, we wind up in a socalled English maze with no exit except back to square one. If we consider the heat " arrives" externally, we are still progressing thru the maze and the quest for B-a and         G-a can continue. Both are demonstrable daily in the structural concrete in our bridges. Some fifty odd years ago, a friend tried to explain the chemistry of Portland cement. Finally, he threw up his hands in disgust and shouted.. its staring you in the face, it is compounded daily, it is the only material I know that gains hardness and strength as it ages except petrified wood which just happens to be a similar process.He stated he couldn't explain it, science and mathematics had yet to progress to an explanation,  Which poises the question.. should we be studying petrification for a clue?

I have been having fun bouncing ideas in the group such as a black hole may act as a capacitor and the sun act as a transceiver , receiving , converting and re-transmitting a different form of energy. One of the interesting thoughts alluding to this nonsense of mine is the evidence of socalled dark matter and/ or dead stars. Dead silent dark star bodies may have lost the ability to receive an energy input. Exploding nova may be stars that receive energy and have the ability to convert but not the ability to re-transmit energy and therefore explode in an atomic catacylism beyond one's imagination. However , an ever wise designer has made allowances and both the energy and matter are sustained and regrouped for re-use. Perhaps the task we face in the search for new energy sources includes formulating methods of that re-use. At some point in time, hopefully the next generation of youth that are in science programs will  get past Darwin's psuedo-quackery  that has degenerated into a cult belief system of sorts and held back the nation's Universities by it's teaching as science and permeated every realm of study.

While in a gibberish mood I will cast another stone in the placid pool of cyber-science.

 Lightning !!  Lightning comes in more than 3 flavors. One of the flavors describe B-a and G-a and surprisingly link directly to CF.  Try that on for size !! Of course, Grimer is never one to be left in the cloakroom of ideas without a goodie and surely will post the promised experiment.

 Gosh , this group is interesting, I just hope our esteemed moderator has mercy on a poor Texas boy just trying to make do as a cowboy rodeo roper .


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