David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

The thought of giving money to prisoners brings up the discussion of crime
> itself.  Why would someone go to the trouble of stealing from others if
> anything they need can be obtained for virtually nothing?

I predict there will be no more crimes such as theft of material goods. No
one will steal TVs or shoplift, for two reasons:

1. As you say, goods will have practically no value, so there will be point.

2. Robot anti-theft devices will become very effective. Robots the size of
a cell phone or a fly on the wall will monitor people in stores, and they
will guard houses and cars when the owner is absent. They will also
recognize every human face on earth. So, if you steal something, the police
will have a video of you doing it, and they will know who you are.

There are already programs that recognize every face on Facebook. You can
use them to take a photo of someone with your cell phone, and few seconds
later the program finds the person's name and Social Security number. This
was demonstrated on NHK TV.

I do not think there will be property crimes but there may be other kinds
of crime such as embezzling large sums of money, or murder.

- Jed

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