David L. Babcock <olb...@gmail.com> wrote:

 What average family?  Our household (2 people) gets $3000/month and we are
> on the edge of disaster!

The plans we are discussing are not intended to provide enough for a person
to live on without any other source of income. Not in the initial phase in
the present day. The idea is to keep a person from starving and keep a roof
over their head. The other idea is keep consumer demand high enough to
preserve capitalism for several more decades. Decades later, or a century
later, when nearly all human labor ceases, this system will evolve beyond
capitalism into one where everyone gets a generous allowance and can live
like today's upper-middle class person on the allowance alone, without

The idea is that when robots can supply all material goods in the future,
people should not have to work. At present, robots cannot do that. But they
are beginning to, so we need to begin to adjust the economy to deal with
that fact.

For the present day, this would be a hybrid system such as the one
described by Charles Murray:


- Jed

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