Eric Walker <> wrote:

> That does not include Social Security, $0.7 T. The plans I have seen
>> eliminate Social Security and also welfare.
> From a tactical perspective, any plan in the US that eliminates Social
> Security will be doomed from the start.

You do not have to eliminate it. What you do is subtract Social Security
payments from the "free cash" universal payment. Suppose the universal
payment is $10,000 a year to start with. The average Social Security
benefit is $1,200 per month, or $14,400 per year. So, retired people would
continue getting $14,400 per year instead of $10,000. Uncle Sam pays a
little more to them than to other adults.

As the universal benefit is gradually increased it will eventually be worth
more than the average Social Security benefit. At that point Uncle Sam
would be saving money on the universal benefit, paying out a little less to
retirees than to the rest of the population. You could start phasing out
Social Security. Social Security tax could be reduced because most people
could get along with just the universal benefit.

The tax to pay for this would have to come mainly from corporations that
make a great deal of money from robot labor. They are the only ones who
will have income, as the value of human labor gradually falls to zero.

  There is a good chance that the US will be the last country to have a
> basic income.  We do whatever we can to do not do the right thing.

As Winston Churchill put it: "You can always count on Americans to do the
right thing - after they've tried everything else."

- Jed

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