
You have uncovered a pump specification that proves that the replication work 
by Gigi and allies is not accurate.  They report to have determined that 
approximately 4.5 watts of thermal power is being absorbed by the circulating 
water under their test condition.  This amount of reported power is clearly 
more than the pump should add and they need to explain why we should accept 
their data as accurate.

Also, I have performs extensive calculations within a spreadsheet that is based 
upon the lift head versus fluid flow rate of this model pump.  It is capable of 
delivering less than 1 watt of fluid power into the water coolant under the 
best of conditions.   My actual calculation is .75 watts at 6 liters per minute 
which I rounded off for convenience to 1 watt.  I included both potential as 
well as kinetic energy related powers.

Any additional power imparted to the water must come from pump friction and 
thermal leakage through the construction materials.  Without  further careful 
measurements we or Gigi can not assume that the pump used by Mizuno is 
operating at its specification limit of 3 watts.  Of course the measurement of 
4.5 watts by Gigi is certainly not representative of a pump that is in good 

The pump manual has several warnings about how easy it is to damage it and that 
strongly suggests that Gigi and his team has done just that in order to obtain 
their non representative performance.  No one but Mizuno knows the status of 
his pump during those tests so the only conclusion that can conservatively be 
drawn is that the skeptical report by Gigi and team should not be considered 

The pump manual states that the water reservoir must be at least 1 foot above 
the pump input port in order to prevent possible air intake along with the 
coolant water.  Operation under conditions that do not meet this requirement 
can damage the pump according to the manual.  Unfortunately, in both of the 
cases being discussed this was not done.  The setup used by Gigi very clearly 
shows the pump mounted above the Dewar by several inches.  The same appears 
true for Mizuno's experiment.





-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Mon, Jan 12, 2015 12:15 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Report on Mizuno's Adiabatic Calorimetry" revised

I have researched the pump characteristics further and find that this pump has 
a low efficiency and would use  at most about 3 watts of power in heating the 
circulating water.  This is consistent with what you have stated. 
I am not sure how Mizuno measured the 10.8 Watts of power used by the pump.  I 
think the pump specifications indicate the pump uses about 22 watts.  However, 
The specifications for the amperage and voltage during operation would indicate 
the 29 watts I suggested some time ago.  I plan to talk with the pump vendor 
technical staff to better understand the performance of this type of pump and 
the wattage vs voltage/amperage specs and the efficiency.  I will report on 
what I find.  However, it would appear the pump is only about 15% efficient at 
best in converting electrical energy into the mechanical energy causing the 
circulation. At low circuit frictional pressure drop (low heads) it appears 
even less efficient.  I was wrong in assuming an efficient pump. 
I do not have the same report that you have  identifying the pump 
specifications on page 24.  My version of your report, dated November 14, 2014, 
does not include the specification you state exists on the side of the pump 
body. In addition I do not think I have the same description of a "baseline" 
that your make reference to. 
I think by "baseline" you mean a condition at which the energy introduced into 
the circulating system by the pump creates a temperature of the reactor and 
water bath and all the reactor internals that is the same and in equilibrium 
with a non-changing differential temperature between the ambient atmosphere and 
the water bath. This would allow a reasonable determination of the average 
thermal resistance of the insulation and hence a measure of the approach to a 
desired adiabatic condition of the test setup.  In any case a good description 
of "baseline" conditions is warranted.  
In addition, if you have information as to when it was determined that excess 
reaction heat was produced in the reactor, this would be helpful in comparing 
temperature profiles with rates of change, compared to times when there was no 
excess energy input to the system.  For example, when is the excess energy 
produced with respect to the time the spikes of electrical heat are applied to 
the electrodes?  In this regard it seems that the excess energy production, if 
any, does not continue indefinitely, since the temperature increase levels  off 
and then decrease without the spikes of electrical input to the electrodes.  
However, does it continue in the time frame between spikes of input energy to 
the electrodes.     
The temperature of the system and water bath should return to the "baseline" 
with time, if the only input is the energy  was from the pump. If excess energy 
form a reaction continues the temperature should level out at somewhat above 
the baseline.  This would be nice confirmation of excess energy. 
I summary I have the following additional questions:     
What is the date of your latest report of the Mizuno test?  Does it exist 
on-line: If so, what is the link?  Is there any information from the Mizuno 
testing as to when excess energy from an unknown reaction starts and stops? Is 
there a good definition of "baseline"?
----- Original Message ----- 
From:   Jed   Rothwell 
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2015 8:18   PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Report on Mizuno's   Adiabatic Calorimetry" revised

Bob Cook made two large mistakes here. I wish he -- and others --   would   
The Iwaik pump, if running, would have     added heat at about 29 watts per the 
pump   specification.


In my report, p. 24, I list the pump specifications. Mizuno measured the   pump 
input power with the watt meter. It is 10.8 W, not 29 W. However, only a   tiny 
fraction of this power is delivered to the water. Mizuno measured how   much is 
delivered. It was only ~0.4 W. If you do not think so, explain why   Fig. 19 is 

You can confirm that nearly all the electric power converts to heat at   the 
pump motor. Touch a pump and you will feel the heat radiating. Many pumps   
have fans that blow the hot air out of the motor. With a good pump, the water   
is at the other end away from the motor, and very little heat transfers to   it.

  This was more than enough to raise the     temperature without any reactor 
heat source given the recorded decrease of     1.7 watts when nothing was 
running or   reacting.


Suppose this is true. Suppose it was 1.7 W and suppose that raises the   
temperature by 4 deg C. Pick any temperature rise you like: suppose it raises   
the temperature by 10 deg C, or 20 deg C. Here is the point, which I have made  
 again and again:

THE TEMPERATURE WAS ALREADY that much higher when the test began. The   pump 
runs all the time. Using this method we measure from that starting   baseline 
temperature up to the terminal temperature of the test. The pump heat   -- 
however much there is -- is already included in the baseline.   Therefore we 
never include it in excess heat. 

You need to answer these points if you want to have a serious   discussion.

- Jed

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