
you said nothing about simulations that should be a confirmation of our
experiments. But I think that we can do something more: what will convince
you that we are right and Mizuno is wrong?


2015-01-12 23:17 GMT+01:00 David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com>:

> Dear Giancarlo,
> Thanks for publishing your report in English so that many of us that do
> not speak Italian can understand it.  There is no disagreement between the
> method that I used to calculate the kinetic transport power and what you
> would have calculated with the same numbers since we used the same basic
> principles.  I relied upon the information from Jed about the mass flow
> rate of the pump where he stated that Mizuno had told him that it was 8
> liters per second.  If you match that rate with your 5 mm pipe as you have
> stated as a plan for replication of Mizuno's experiment then you will
> obtain my results.
> I do not have a pump and 16 meters of 10 mm inside diameter tubing before
> me to determine exactly what flow rate is obtained.   It is going to be
> necessary for you to either obtain a matching pipe or for us to verify
> exactly what flow rate is being measured by Mizuno before a final answer
> can be established.   Jed apparently believes that the friction within the
> 16 meter tubing is not sufficient to reduce the unloaded pump fluid flow
> rate to a value that is anywhere close to the 2.31 liters per minute that
> you are proposing.   In your report, you state that you are matching the
> performance seen by Mizuno as far as fluid flow rate is concerned but I
> strongly doubt that this is occurring.
> If you make additional calculations you will see that the pressure
> required at the pump output is (10 mm/5 mm)^4 or 16 times as large when
> achieving the same flow rate for a 5 mm tube as compared to a 10 mm  tube.
> This is a dramatic difference and you find that you quickly run out of head
> room when using the 5 mm tube for your test.   Just this reason alone
> should be sufficient for you to realize that your replication attempt is
> failed.  And, as further supporting evidence, the pumping power needed to
> reach the 8 liters per minute flow rate when using a 10 mm tube is only
> .192 watts which is well within the operational range of the MD-6.
> We can approach the power required to match Mizuno's flow rate from
> another direction if you wish.  The mathematics implies that the power
> required to drive a certain ratio of flow rates varies as that ratio to the
> third power.  In your case that means (8/2.31)^3 or 41.53 times less than
> to reach 8 liters per minute.  To take your example: 41.53 * .074 watts =
> 3.07 watts.  (your numbers).  So again, you would need to have 3.07 watts
> of pumping power delivered to the water stream in order to reach 8 liters
> per minute of mass flow rate just as I have shown.
> Giancarlo, you are the one that must defend your procedure to show that it
> truly replicates the experiment conducted by Mizuno.  I am merely
> demonstrating why you have failed to do so.  Unless you can prove that you
> are not damaging the operation of the pump in some manner by your technique
> then you can not expect me or anyone else to take seriously your claim that
> you have proven that there is no additional power being generated by
> Mizuno's device.
> Why are we expected to accept the notion that a pump that is being driven
> into overload by high pressure operation per your demonstration is not
> adding significant additional power into the water stream?  The forces
> acting upon the pump are very much increased by your choice of pipe
> diameter and it does not take much imagination to expect the internal
> bearings to overload in a manner that generates significant heating as a
> consequence.
> I can not say with certainly that your technique is completely without
> merit, but you are also left with many issue to resolve before you can
> claim a good reproduction of the cooling system used by Mizuno.  And, since
> you see powers that fail to match those derived from the experiment, it
> suggests that you are making some major error.
> If we continue to discuss this subject in additional dept, I believe that
> we will eventually come to a mutual understanding with respect to your
> effort.  I remain neutral in my acceptance of whether or not excess power
> is being generated by the Mizuno experiment and I hope that you remain
> flexible.
> I await your response to this posting and perhaps we should begin
> considering additional tests that you can perform to help verify the
> facts.  I like the horizontal flow demonstration that you used to measure
> the mass flow rate for the 5 mm tubing.  Can you do the same with 10 mm as
> a beginning step?
> Best Regards,
> Dave
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Gigi DiMarco <gdmgdms...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Mon, Jan 12, 2015 3:44 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Report on Mizuno's Adiabatic Calorimetry" revised
>        Dave,
>  as promised and while you still insist saying that we were deeply wrong,
> we have put on-line two different updates
> 1)
> https://gsvit.wordpress.com/2015/01/12/further-measurements-on-the-md-6k-n-pump-used-by-tadahiko-mizuno/
> 2)
> https://gsvit.wordpress.com/2014/12/10/analysis-of-jed-rothwells-report-about-his-calorimetry-performed-on-mizunos-cell/
>  The first one shows how you are terribly wrong with your calculations
> based on the kinetic energy only. We show that your assumption are
> completely wrong just referring to usual pump working diagram. In the pump
> under test you can not have simultaneously maximum head and maximum flow
> rate; the working point we chose was such that we had almost the same
> working conditions Mizuno had. Please take your time to read our post
> before commenting. The major result is that we measured 43°C in the pump
> body very close to the water so it is really easy to understand that,
> despite what Jed says, the pump motor delivers a lot of heat to the water;
> it is this the power we measure and it is by far much more that the
> mechanical power (3 W maximum from the data sheet).
>  But, let me say that the second link is even more interesting [you have
> to go to the end of the article, the Appendix]: we set up a software
> simulation tools and were able to replicate by simulation the Mizuno's
> measurement. It was enough to evaluate the overall thermal transmittance of
> the system that is constant at least for the considered temperature range.
>  If we simulate the Mizuno's curve starting from a time instant when the
> reactor is no more generating excess heat, it is possible to evaluate the
> only source of heat: the pump. We have to use only the room temperature as
> provided by Mizuno's data and the system starting temperature. The pump
> power turns out to be about 4 W.
>  So we get comparable results by using very different methods
>  1) Pump theory and data sheet
>  2) Experiment
>  3) Simulations
>  All the rest are only free words.
>  We are going to apply the simulation to all the Mizuno's experiments to
> see if we can get those curves without any excess heat.
>  Regards and take it easy.
>  Please, consider to read all the articles in our site concerning the
> Mizuno's experiment.
>  Gigi aka Giancarlo
> 2015-01-12 19:09 GMT+01:00 David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com>:
>> Bob,
>> You have uncovered a pump specification that proves that the replication
>> work by Gigi and allies is not accurate.  They report to have determined
>> that approximately 4.5 watts of thermal power is being absorbed by the
>> circulating water under their test condition.  This amount of reported
>> power is clearly more than the pump should add and they need to explain why
>> we should accept their data as accurate.
>> Also, I have performs extensive calculations within a spreadsheet that is
>> based upon the lift head versus fluid flow rate of this model pump.  It is
>> capable of delivering less than 1 watt of fluid power into the water
>> coolant under the best of conditions.   My actual calculation is .75 watts
>> at 6 liters per minute which I rounded off for convenience to 1 watt.  I
>> included both potential as well as kinetic energy related powers.
>> Any additional power imparted to the water must come from pump friction
>> and thermal leakage through the construction materials.  Without  further
>> careful measurements we or Gigi can not assume that the pump used by
>> Mizuno is operating at its specification limit of 3 watts.  Of course the
>> measurement of 4.5 watts by Gigi is certainly not representative of a pump
>> that is in good condition.
>> The pump manual has several warnings about how easy it is to damage it
>> and that strongly suggests that Gigi and his team has done just that in
>> order to obtain their non representative performance.  No one but Mizuno
>> knows the status of his pump during those tests so the only conclusion that
>> can conservatively be drawn is that the skeptical report by Gigi and team
>> should not be considered valid.
>> The pump manual states that the water reservoir must be at least 1 foot
>> above the pump input port in order to prevent possible air intake along
>> with the coolant water.  Operation under conditions that do not meet this
>> requirement can damage the pump according to the manual.  Unfortunately, in
>> both of the cases being discussed this was not done.  The setup used by
>> Gigi very clearly shows the pump mounted above the Dewar by several
>> inches.  The same appears true for Mizuno's experiment.
>> Dave
>>  -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com>
>> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
>> Sent: Mon, Jan 12, 2015 12:15 pm
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Report on Mizuno's Adiabatic Calorimetry" revised
>>  Jed--
>> I have researched the pump characteristics further and find that this
>> pump has a low efficiency and would use  at most about 3 watts of power in
>> heating the circulating water.  This is consistent with what you have
>> stated.
>> I am not sure how Mizuno measured the 10.8 Watts of power used by the
>> pump.  I think the pump specifications indicate the pump uses about 22
>> watts.  However, The specifications for the amperage and voltage during
>> operation would indicate the 29 watts I suggested some time ago.  I plan to
>> talk with the pump vendor technical staff to better understand the
>> performance of this type of pump and the wattage vs voltage/amperage specs
>> and the efficiency.  I will report on what I find.  However, it would
>> appear the pump is only about 15% efficient at best in converting
>> electrical energy into the mechanical energy causing the circulation. At
>> low circuit frictional pressure drop (low heads) it appears even less
>> efficient.  I was wrong in assuming an efficient pump.
>> I do not have the same report that you have  identifying the pump
>> specifications on page 24.  My version of your report, dated November 14,
>> 2014, does not include the specification you state exists on the side of
>> the pump body. In addition I do not think I have the same description of a
>> "baseline" that your make reference to.
>> I think by "baseline" you mean a condition at which the energy introduced
>> into the circulating system by the pump creates a temperature of the
>> reactor and water bath and all the reactor internals that is the same and
>> in equilibrium with a non-changing differential temperature between the
>> ambient atmosphere and the water bath. This would allow a reasonable
>> determination of the average thermal resistance of the insulation and
>> hence a measure of the approach to a desired adiabatic condition of the
>> test setup.  In any case a good description of "baseline" conditions is
>> warranted.
>> In addition, if you have information as to when it was determined that
>> excess reaction heat was produced in the reactor, this would be helpful in
>> comparing temperature profiles with rates of change, compared to times when
>> there was no excess energy input to the system.  For example, when is the
>> excess energy produced with respect to the time the spikes of electrical
>> heat are applied to the electrodes?  In this regard it seems that the
>> excess energy production, if any, does not continue indefinitely, since the
>> temperature increase levels  off and then decrease without the spikes of
>> electrical input to the electrodes.  However, does it continue in the time
>> frame between spikes of input energy to the electrodes.
>> The temperature of the system and water bath should return to the
>> "baseline" with time, if the only input is the energy  was from the
>> pump. If excess energy form a reaction continues the temperature should
>> level out at somewhat above the baseline.  This would be nice confirmation
>> of excess energy.
>> I summary I have the following additional questions:
>> What is the date of your latest report of the Mizuno test?  Does it exist
>> on-line: If so, what is the link?  Is there any information from the Mizuno
>> testing as to when excess energy from an unknown reaction starts and
>> stops? Is there a good definition of "baseline"?
>> Bob
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
>> *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
>> *Sent:* Saturday, January 10, 2015 8:18 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:"Report on Mizuno's Adiabatic Calorimetry" revised
>>  Bob Cook made two large mistakes here. I wish he -- and others --
>> would
>>>  The Iwaik pump, if running, would have added heat at about 29 watts
>>> per the pump specification.
>>  In my report, p. 24, I list the pump specifications. Mizuno measured
>> the pump input power with the watt meter. It is 10.8 W, not 29 W. However,
>> only a tiny fraction of this power is delivered to the water. Mizuno
>> measured how much is delivered. It was only ~0.4 W. If you do not think so,
>> explain why Fig. 19 is wrong.
>>  You can confirm that nearly all the electric power converts to heat at
>> the pump motor. Touch a pump and you will feel the heat radiating. Many
>> pumps have fans that blow the hot air out of the motor. With a good pump,
>> the water is at the other end away from the motor, and very little heat
>> transfers to it.
>>>    This was more than enough to raise the temperature without any
>>> reactor heat source given the recorded decrease of 1.7 watts when nothing
>>> was running or reacting.
>>  Suppose this is true. Suppose it was 1.7 W and suppose that raises the
>> temperature by 4 deg C. Pick any temperature rise you like: suppose it
>> raises the temperature by 10 deg C, or 20 deg C. Here is the point, which I
>> have made again and again:
>>  THE TEMPERATURE WAS ALREADY that much higher when the test began. The
>> pump runs all the time. Using this method we measure from that starting
>> baseline temperature up to the terminal temperature of the test. The pump
>> heat -- *however much there is* -- is already included in the baseline.
>> Therefore we never include it in excess heat.
>>  You need to answer these points if you want to have a serious
>> discussion.
>>  - Jed

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