David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

I feel that the excess power must be at least 5 watts, but it is difficult
> to be confident at the low power levels.

Mizuno and I estimate 5 or 10 Watts. It does not matter. As long as it is
well above the noise, who cares how big it is?

He was apparently getting much larger power previously but the calorimetry
was so complicated it was difficult to be sure. Lower power with better
calorimetry is a much better result.

> This excess power may be less than everyone hoped for since it represents
> an increase of only 40% above the 20 watt input.

That is the wrong way to evaluate it. Look at energy, not power. The energy
output is 2 to 3 times input, measured in the water alone.

The power of the 20 W pulse is irrelevant. You could probably improve the
insulation and make it a smaller pulse with less power and less energy.

It might also work with 10 W for a longer duration. I do not know whether
this would work. Mizuno wants to stick with one standard power pulse so
that he can compare results. He does not know whether this is the minimum
effective pulse size. He has not tried a smaller one as far as I know. This
may be much bigger than you need to trigger a reaction.

- Jed

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