The P and A mesons in strong abelian magnetic field in SU(2) lattice gauge

QCD in strong magnetic field

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 5:04 PM, Bob Cook <> wrote:

>   Axil--
> Do you have a reference paper for the creation of mesons from the vacuum
> magnetic energy?
> If what you suggest is possible then it may also be possible to create
> mesons in a strong magnetic field such as that created in transient SPP
> entities.  I would agree that, if muons are formed, muon catalyzed fusion
> of D-D to He is possible, as well as Li-7 to Be-8 and who knows what else.
> Bob Cook
>  *From:* Axil Axil <>
> *Sent:* Friday, June 19, 2015 11:32 AM
> *To:* vortex-l <>
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Re: Cat stimultion
>  My theory posits the production of mesons through the convertion of
> magnetic energy from the vacume into sub atomic particles. The mesons decay
> into muons (via the Schwinger limit) and the fusion is muon catalized
> fusion. There is a repodt of electrostatic fields around the Cat. This
> could be due to the decay of muons into electrons.
> The E Cat might be producing loads of anti muon neutrinos. That is what
> will defined the fusion process that is going on.
> On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 1:56 PM, Bob Cook <> wrote:
>> Fran--
>> The new science currently at bay is the source of energy IMHO.  I think
>> it is small losses of mass to heat.  Exchange of energy with the  Dirac sea
>> is another possibility.  The evidence seems to me to indicate loss of mass
>> is the source.
>> Are there any theories that include an exchange mechanism of mass to
>> energy besides the change of electron and positron mass to EM radiations or
>> photons. I am not sure what is excepted for the mechanism of the separation
>> of quarks and the disposition of gluons or reactions of other
>> anti-particles?
>> What's your best guess about the energy source--assuming energy is
>> conserved and entropy in a closed system increases.
>> The referenced paper discusses spin of electrons but seems  to leave out
>> the consideration of angular momentum and its conservation.  Maybe I missed
>> this feature in my quick review of that paper.
>> Thanks for that interesting link:
>> Bob Cook
>> -----Original Message----- From: Roarty, Francis X
>> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 3:29 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Cat stimultion
>> I maintain that Rossi's E- Cat and Shawyer's EM drive are both based on
>> "Cavity QED". In Zofia Birula 1996 paper
>>  she describes
>> Rydberg atoms with modified spontaneous emissions by virtue of microwave
>> cavity suppression. In the interim since her paper was published we have
>> seen Japanese patents for radioactive remediation based on nano powders
>> that employ this principle. WRT shawyer her paper states [snip] In a good
>> cavity with dimensions of the order of the wavelength of emitted radiation,
>> a very strong enhancement of spontaneous emissions is possible [/snip] Her
>> math for these effects include Lorentzian formulations that underscore a
>> relativistic perspective [Jan Naudt's 2005 paper on the hydrino as
>> relativistic hydrogen] where hydrogen atoms entering nano scale cavities
>> grow smaller from our perspective - through interactions between local and
>> global energy scales in opposition. IOW  nano mirror boundaries can
>> segregate vacuum wavelengths in tiny cavities that conflict with the macro
>> isotropy..not that this represents an an energy source or drive system in
>> itself as it will react symmetrically to propagation of waves or particles
>> passing through the cavity but it is the common engine block being employed
>> in all these anomalous claims.. it can be a motor or a generator depending
>> on how we employ it. In the case of the cat and mouse I suspect the breach
>> in isotropy also allows for a breach in COE that we would never see at our
>> macro scale where we have to "pay" to move a macro object into and out of a
>> gravity well but at the nano scale we harness HUP to migrate gas atoms
>> through a tapestry of different gravitational warps [negative
>> gravity/vacuum densities based on mirror separation]. Imagine how easy a
>> perpetual motion machine would be to make if you could turn off gravity for
>> a half cycle while lifting a weight. I am not saying that we are getting
>> something for nothing but rather that nano geometry can harness HUP to move
>> the atom between different zones [no need for a spatial bias like
>> Maxwellian demon only criteria becomes random motion]then it is left to us
>> to somehow exploit this motion.. force an asymmetry between zones that
>> generates heat but here everyone has their own pet theories.
>> Fran

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