
The new science currently at bay is the source of energy IMHO. I think it is small losses of mass to heat. Exchange of energy with the Dirac sea is another possibility. The evidence seems to me to indicate loss of mass is the source.

Are there any theories that include an exchange mechanism of mass to energy besides the change of electron and positron mass to EM radiations or photons. I am not sure what is excepted for the mechanism of the separation of quarks and the disposition of gluons or reactions of other anti-particles?

What's your best guess about the energy source--assuming energy is conserved and entropy in a closed system increases.

The referenced paper discusses spin of electrons but seems to leave out the consideration of angular momentum and its conservation. Maybe I missed this feature in my quick review of that paper.

Thanks for that interesting link:

Bob Cook

-----Original Message----- From: Roarty, Francis X
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 3:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Cat stimultion

I maintain that Rossi's E- Cat and Shawyer's EM drive are both based on "Cavity QED". In Zofia Birula 1996 paper she describes Rydberg atoms with modified spontaneous emissions by virtue of microwave cavity suppression. In the interim since her paper was published we have seen Japanese patents for radioactive remediation based on nano powders that employ this principle. WRT shawyer her paper states [snip] In a good cavity with dimensions of the order of the wavelength of emitted radiation, a very strong enhancement of spontaneous emissions is possible [/snip] Her math for these effects include Lorentzian formulations that underscore a relativistic perspective [Jan Naudt's 2005 paper on the hydrino as relativistic hydrogen] where hydrogen atoms entering nano scale cavities grow smaller from our perspective - through interactions between local and global energy scales in opposition. IOW nano mirror boundaries can segregate vacuum wavelengths in tiny cavities that conflict with the macro isotropy..not that this represents an an energy source or drive system in itself as it will react symmetrically to propagation of waves or particles passing through the cavity but it is the common engine block being employed in all these anomalous claims.. it can be a motor or a generator depending on how we employ it. In the case of the cat and mouse I suspect the breach in isotropy also allows for a breach in COE that we would never see at our macro scale where we have to "pay" to move a macro object into and out of a gravity well but at the nano scale we harness HUP to migrate gas atoms through a tapestry of different gravitational warps [negative gravity/vacuum densities based on mirror separation]. Imagine how easy a perpetual motion machine would be to make if you could turn off gravity for a half cycle while lifting a weight. I am not saying that we are getting something for nothing but rather that nano geometry can harness HUP to move the atom between different zones [no need for a spatial bias like Maxwellian demon only criteria becomes random motion]then it is left to us to somehow exploit this motion.. force an asymmetry between zones that generates heat but here everyone has their own pet theories.

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