Start out with the reference above and we will progress step by step to
show that Rydberg matter will satisfy all experimental observations that
connects LENR to dark matter.

On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 9:55 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

> From Axil:
> > We know that Dark Matter is a result of Rydberg matter that
> > exists as a preferred form of hydrogen that is spread widely
> > throughout the universe.
> FWIW, it disturbs me to no end reading a Vort post that portrays
> speculative assumptions (however tantalizing those assumptions may be to
> some within the Collective) as undisputed fact. It's no different than
> hearing another so called undisputed fact claiming that hydrinos make up
> dark matter. One can get their fill of the hydrino model over at Dr. Mills'
> SCP group. It is enthusiastically supported by the BLP cheer leading squad.
> ((I suspect some of them were very happy to see me barred.)
> So which is it, Axil? Rydberg matter, or hydrinos? I suspect you'd have a
> real fight on your hands if you decided to correct SCP's presumed
> misconceptions about the explanation for Dark Matter. Quite frankly, I
> don't know which model is the correct one, or perhaps I should say: The
> more accurate one. Perhaps in the end it may turn out to be the case that
> it's neither.
> I'm going to sit on the fence some more and see what shakes out. Sadly, I
> think it's going to continue to be a long wait. Under the circumstance the
> best thing for me to do is try not generate posts filled with tantalizing
> speculation passed off as undisputed fact. Granted, that is easier said
> than done at times. Nobody is perfect.
> Full disclosure: I admit my ignorance of the Rydberg matter model. Is
> there a reasonably brief explanation of the model posted somewhere that I
> might be able to read up on... hopefully an explanation that doesn't
> involve 20 pages of Integrals? At present all I have to go on is the
> suspicion that Hydrinos and Rydberg matter seem to be strongly related to
> each other, as if they are kissing cousins. As in the case of hydrinos,
> over the years I've acquired a vague impression that much of Rydberg matter
> involves altered states of hydrogen. Is that a correct assumption, or am I
> wrong on that?
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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