It is interesting.  And 500' of nickel tubing is far beyond the amount of
nickel used in any experiment I've seen.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 10:15 PM Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Here is the relevant citation from the LENR-CANR library – it is one of
> the strongest demonstrations of Ni-H out there, in the sense of the
> credibility of the High Technology company doing the work, and acceptance
> by the funder (USAF - WRIGHT-PATTERSON) and the fact they ran a similar
> experiment for over a year of gain. Modest gain but solid proof.
> **
> <>
> I would be extremely happy if Rossi’s result was the same range of COP
> (1.5) as long as the proof was as verifiable as this.
> One has to wonder about the credibility of an anonymous poster who claims
> to get excess heat in a Celani experiment, publishes no data, and instead
> of using Constantin wire as does Celani – he uses nickel. Or is the data
> and other details posted somewhere?
> At best - that makes it a Thermacore experiment, which actually gives it
> more credibility than Celani. But it should not be confused with Celani
> where the wire treatment is said to be critical.
> There is no doubt that Thermacore had about the same gain using nickel and
> also could not make it go higher than about COP ~1.5.
> *From:* Jack Cole
> me356 seems fairly certain about getting excess heat repeatedly in Celani
> type experiments (up to 1.5x).  He does mention using 30ft of wire!  Maybe
> that matters.
> **
> <>
> Andrew Hrischanovich also reports achieving 1.5x in Celani type
> experiments and notes higher pressure seemed to help ~10 bar.  In personal
> communication, he indicates being unable to push it beyond that and is
> currently focused on TiH2.
> **
> <>
> Of course as we have seen time and again, there is often something
> discovered which invalidates the results.
> Jack

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