Dear Adrian,

an excellent executive summary, please allow me to publish it on the Ego
Out Blog.
Thank you,

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 4:33 PM, a.ashfield <> wrote:

> Progress with the E-Cats seems to be moving swiftly now.
> Rossi says:
> 1 He will be "connected" to Mats Lewan's symposium in Sweden in June
> 2 The location of the E-Cat X plant will be disclosed at 1.
> 3 He hopes the E-Cat X plant will be installed in April.
> 4 The trial for the E-Cat X plant will be over in 2016.
> 5 The 1 MW plant production will start pending a satisfactory ERV report.
> 6  He thinks he, together with Prof. Cook are very close to a good theory
> There must be an important clue in the new E-Cat X being so small - 100
> Watts.  This would make a conventional control system for a large plant
> seem excessive.  I wonder is the new design is sufficiently stable that,
> after start up,  it can be controlled by varying the amount of electricity
> extracted.

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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