For the record, this comment did not come from me. I do not waste time on 
Rossi’s absurd blog for one thing.


One the contrary, in my opinion there is no valid proof of any large energy 
anomaly from Rossi which is not fully explained by Thermacore’s earlier and 
better work - nor is it certain that there is a “customer” at all - and a 
year’s worth of scientific data is extremely unlikely.


The Lugano report was a fraud and an embarrassment to Levi and the Swedes - and 
in all probability the same will hold true from any new report –UNLESS 
Industrial Heat signs off on it. Otherwise, without IH fully backing it – it is 
worthless. Will they back it?


One cannot read the recent press releases from IH and not realize that there 
could be trouble in paradise. In fact, they probably do not trust Rossi much 
more than Gary Wright does.




From: Peter Gluck 


have seen it earlier, OK, dear Adrian!




a.ashfield wrote:

March 20, 2016 at 8:15 AM

DR Rossi – interesting comment on Vortex-L by a ashfield could you comment on 

There must be an important clue in the new E-Cat X being so small – 100 Watts. 
This would make a conventional control system for a large plant seem excessive. 
I wonder is the new design is sufficiently stable that, after start up, it can 
be controlled by varying the amount of electricity extracted.
Andrea Rossi
March 20, 2016 at 11:26 AM

The comment on Vortex is intelligent.
Warm Regards,

I take this to mean it was a good idea but not how it is done. Adding to my 
previous thought, possibly if there is also a direct connection that would 
allow electric power/magnetic field to be fed to the E-Cat quarkX instead of 
heat.  It would be easier to get a fast response.  Wish we knew more about the 
X type.



Dr. Peter Gluck

Cluj, Romania

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