From: alain.coetmeur@gmail
*       saying it is a fraud seems not fair for me. Lugano report is visibly 
insufficient, unlike anything manufactured to look good...

Alain - I should have been more specific. 

It is beyond reasonable doubt that Rossi “salted” the reactor with enriched 
isotope and did not tell anyone. At the same time, even with sloppy 
measurements, there was probably excess heat, but not as much as claimed. Bob 
Higgins says that salting the reactor is not necessarily “deception” because 
Rossi had no obligation to tell anyone, and he has the right to protect his 
trade secrets. After all, this is part of a commercial venture with millions of 
dollars at stake. I can see Bob’s point, to an extent.

This kind of cheating (don’t ask, don’t tell) makes the Lugano isotope salting 
look sleazy and unscientific, but possibly not fraudulent, in a criminal sense. 

However, if Rossi then used a dishonest report as a submission to USPTO in 
order to obtain a patent, or if he used the report as a milestone for continued 
funding from IH, or to obtain funding from any other licensee - then the 
dishonesty is elevated to fraud. 

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