
I tend to agree with you about the establishment knowing a lot about LENR.

For example, if you assume Ed Storms was involved with the Establishment via LANL and listen carefully to his recent on-line interview, Ed notes that LANL was making tritium early, on apparently with D and H in a Pd system like the P&F system. The technology (and related science!) became quickly classified and the government decided it was best to deny its existence IMHO.

I consider It would not have been the first time science (as opposed to engineered systems and technology) was classified by the US Government, as well as other governments.

Bob Cook

-----Original Message----- From: a.ashfield
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2016 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:E-Cat progress

The establishment may know moire about LENR than I had supposed.

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