Brian Ahern <> wrote:

> Is this a technical discussion group or: A bunch of dilitantes expounding
> a socialist agenda.
Many of the people advocating this plan, such as Elon Musk, are not
socialist or communists. They are leading modern capitalists, including
some the wealthiest people in the world. It makes no sense for you to say
they advocate socialism.

I think you fail to understand an essential point. Capitalism, socialism,
communism and all other economic systems in history have been based on
human labor. Most people exchange their own labor for money. In the future,
computers and robots can do nearly all work such as driving cars, building
houses, diagnosing x-rays and performing surgery. Human labor will
gradually become worthless. Most people will have no way to make a living.
In that situation, the only rational thing to do is to have robots do the
work, and give everyone a basic income.

The wealth would not be taken from any person. It would be taken from
robots. The system would not limit any person's income. It would be a
floor, not a maximum. It would not resemble socialism or capitalism, or any
system we now have. It would not even be possible with today's technology.

Capitalism as we know it cannot survive if nearly every person is
unemployed. People will have no means to buy goods. No one can compete with
machines that do the same work a person can do for pennies a day. It would
be like trying to do accounting with pen and ink, adding up the numbers in
a paper ledger, in competition with a computer. It would be like trying to
dig coal with a pickax and shovel in competition with a P&H 4100 XPC
shovel, which digs 109 tons of coal or ore in a minute or so:

Machinery like this is why mining jobs will never come back.


- Jed

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