There is an intermediate until full robotization. That is, when robots are
efficient but not that much. So, I wonder who will pay the debts when
robots/smart algorithms become more and more advanced. With people being
jobless, companies won't have to whom to sell stuff. There is the
suggestion of "basic income", but in this extreme case, it is merely
printing money, it won't circulate with enough quantities to pay enough,
well, basic stuff. Not even companies will find ways to invest, since their
products will not yield profit, since there is nothing beyond the basic to
buy them. But, even if people slowly use the basic stuff to buy some
products, all the debts, and worse, with growing interest, will not be

So, in this intermediate stage, I think people will get despair and there
will be a societal collapse, if the debtors simply do not forgive debts. I
see some of the sort of stuff happening nowadays. Many of the advanced
countries are injecting money, but a quite large portion of it is not used
for investment, but it is simply hoarded for especulation (futures
investiment). It looks like a vicious cycle. Japan, it seems, it is using
negative interest, but is not working well.

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