Bob Higgins wrote: I just can't imagine a hydrino being able to share an electronic state with another atom because the hydrino's electron is so tightly bound to the hydrino nucleus - not an ordinary valence bond for sure.

... a premise for this is extreme magnetic binding

In a high resolution mass spectrometer, the 54Fe+picohydride would weigh more than a 55Fe and that should be observable. They have such a spectrometer at Purdue.

... Well - this is where it gets interesting. The dense hydrogen would only weigh slightly more if it was the standard hydrogen mass when bound to the iron. But... according to Mayer, the proton gives up mass in the dense (pico-hydride) state.

Assuming Mayer and Dufour are talking about essentially the same species - it will probably weigh less (compared to 54Fe+P) on a high resolution MS device, but if there is any difference at all, it will be important to quantify that difference. Let's hope the results get published. They would answer a lot of questions.

The pico-hydride would have a huge magnetic field due to the single electron spin at tight geometry (mega-Tesla) and that would indicate that the species would have a preference to strongly bind to iron, nickel and cobalt - the ferromagnetic elements. Since cobalt is nearly 100% single isotope at amu 59, it would be interesting to look for 60Co in a reaction, and this assumes that cobalt induces the reaction catalytically as iron, nickel and palladium are known to do. Anyway, a mix of Pd and Co under heat and hydrogen pressure could show anomalous 60Co, which would be a smoking gun of densification.

The reason that Mills would not like this is simple - the Mayer/Dufour MO is highly indicative of the single reduction event -- instead of Mills' own 136 steps, for which the proof is weak to non-existent.

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