To me it looks like the hand waving is largely from the skeptics. I have yet to see a specific item that is wrong in Mills theories highlighted by them.

Rossi had it right years ago when he stated the skeptics will never believe an experiment but only the sale of working commercial units.


On 3/25/2017 3:55 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
Eric Walker wrote:
The thing that trips me up with BrLP is that the Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics (GUT-CP) book is hand-wavy.... I guess I'm open to BrLP having some experimental phenomenon that keeps them going. But in that case I wonder why they would publish the several volumes of hand waving. Is it because these books seem impressive to some people, who are unable to really assess the many pages of equations on their own?

It could well be more a case of an arrogant "genius" inventor who thinks a guaranteed way to win a Nobel prize is to produce an earth-shaking theory that ditches parts of QM, to explain anomalous energy producing experiments. He may have had a modest amount of real gain for a long time, in less than ideal form. The more hand-waving the better, to cover up the shortfall. Sound familiar?

So far, Mills has come close to the goal of having it all, and would probably have succeeded had he embraced the Thermacore work... way back then - especially if Chuck Haldeman had been allowed to publish. Too bad he could not bring himself to share the honors with others, since he is probably further away today from the big prize than in 1995, even if the SunCell is gainful. Thermacore had solid gains of at least 150% over input, but that was not enough, apparently. Since then, Mills has alienated many scientists, seeing them all as jealous competitors.

Dufour and Mayer and others like Holmlid and Meulenberg may have saved the day for Ni-H ... in both theory and experiment, but their work contradicts Mills in important ways. Mills may be intellectually superior to any one of them alone, but may fail miserably in the end -- since he is locked into a fundamental error which they dodged.

You can look up the reviews of his Millsian software package and see why that too has been a huge disappointment.

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