The posit is that the root cause of the LENR reaction is that a specially
formatted magnetic field produces disruption of protons and neutrons. If
that magnetic field is made weaker by nuclear magnetic interference, then
the LENR reaction is stopped or weakened by that nuclear magnetic

It has been know for many year that even numbered atomic elements like U238
and more affected by the LENR reaction than odd numbered atomic elements
like U235. This is because the even number elements have no or a weak
magnetic moment whereas the odd numbered elements has a large magnetic

There is good reason to believe that magnetism is the prime mover in LENR.
Under this speculative paradigm, it is interesting to consider the options
and consequences of this conjecture. In such a paradigm, any technology
that is friendly to magnetism would be good for LENR, and conversely, a
technology that undercuts the strength of magnetism is bad.

The Pd/D wet technology is more unfriendly to magnetism than nickel because
it makes magnetism more difficult to maintain. Firstly as a general
technological principle, an isotope must have a nuclear spin of zero to
enable the LENR reaction. There is much experimental evidence to support
this conjecture. For an explanation see below.

In this respect, palladium has a nuclear spin profile that is about 78%
effective. 105Pd has a non-zero spin and is 22% of the isotopic contents of
run of the mill palladium.

On the other hand, Nickel is much more efficient in terms of supporting
magnetism. 61Ni has a non-zero nuclear spin, but that isotope is only 1.14%
of the isotopic content of Nickel.

Palladium is paramagnetic and Nickel is ferromagnetic. So nickel is more
desirable than palladium as a magnetic reaction catalyst.

In more detail, this thinking is underpinned by a speculative LENR reaction
rule that is interesting to explore. That rule is that the LENR reaction
might better occur among atomic ions that have zero nuclear spin. In
explanation, Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a physical phenomenon in
which nuclei in a magnetic field absorb and re-emit electromagnetic
radiation. This energy is at a specific resonance frequency which depends
on the strength of the magnetic field and the magnetic properties of the
isotope of the atoms; in practical applications, the frequency is similar
to old style VHF and UHF television broadcasts (60–1000 MHz). NMR allows
the observation of specific quantum mechanical magnetic properties of the
atomic nucleus.

All isotopes that contain an odd number of protons and/or of neutrons have
an intrinsic magnetic moment and angular momentum, in other words a nonzero
spin, while all nucleotides with even numbers of both have a total spin of
zero. The most commonly studied NMR active nuclei are 1H and 13C, although
nuclei from isotopes of many other elements (e.g. 2H, 6Li, 10B, 11B, 14N,
15N, 17O, 19F, 23Na, 29Si, 31P, 35Cl, 113Cd, 129Xe, 195Pt) have been
studied by high-field NMR spectroscopy as well.

It is now known that Ni61 does not participate well in the LENR reaction.
Ni61 is a NMR active isotope. When a magnetic field is applied to an NMR
active isotope, the magnetic energy imparted to the nucleus is dissipated
by induced nuclear vibrational energy which is radiated away as rf energy.
The non-zero spin of the the nucleus shields the nucleus from the external
magnetic field not allowing that field to penetrate into it. External
magnetic fields catalyze changes in the protons and neutrons in the nucleus
as well as enabling disruption in quark and gluon functions. If this
external magnetic field is shielded by NMR activity, LENR transmutation of
the protons and neutrons in the nucleus is made more difficult.

Therefore, during the course of an extended LENR reaction cycle, isotope
depletion will tend to favor the enrichment and buildup of NMR active

Both deuterium and nitrogen are known LENR poisons because of their non
zero nuclear spins.

Hydrogen with non-zero spin will not participate in the LENR reaction
whereas cooper pairs of protons will. Expect LENR reactions centered on
pairs of protons with zero spin. The function of hydrogen in LENR is to
produce Ultra dense hydrogen which is a catalyst of the LENR reaction
Hydrogen is not a good fuel for LENR..

Also, as the LENR reaction matures and more NMR active isotopes accumulate,
the LENR reactor will put out increasing levels or rf radiation derived
from the nuclear vibrations of the NMR isotope.

This NMR thinking also applies to the nature of the various isotopes of

Molecular hydrogen occurs in two isomeric forms, one with its two proton
spins aligned parallel (orthohydrogen), the other with its two proton spins
aligned antiparallel (parahydrogen). At room temperature and thermal
equilibrium, hydrogen consists of approximately 75% orthohydrogen and 25%

Orthohydrogen hydrogen has non zero spin, this is bad for Ni/HLENR because
the non zero spin wastes magnetic energy by producing RF radiation.
Parahydrogen hydrogen has zero spin. This is good for Ni/H LENR because
this type of hydrogen is magnetically inactive.

This is a way to increase parahydrogen hydrogen by using a noble metal

On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 11:01 AM, <> wrote:

> Axil—
> What does the lack of magnetic moment have to due with the isotopic mass
> spec data likelihood?
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Axil Axil <>
> *Sent:* Saturday, March 17, 2018 1:51:30 PM
> *To:* vortex-l
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:LENR fission
>    -
>       -
>       IF SAFIRE looked into the titanium isotopes that was generated by
>       transmutation, they would see that it is mostly Ti47 and Ti49 because 
> those
>       isotopes have a large magnetic moment.
>       Table. Stables isotopes of titanium
>       <>.
>       Isotope Mass
>       /Da Natural
>       abund.
>       (atom %) Nuclear
>       spin (I) Nuclear
>       magnetic
>       moment (μ/μN)
>       46Ti 45.9526294 (14) 8.25 (3) 0
>       47Ti 46.9517640 (11) 7.44 (2) 5/2 -0.78848
>       48Ti 47.9479473 (11) 73.72 (3) 0
>       49Ti 48.9478711 (11) 5.41 (2) 7/2 -1.10417
>       50Ti 49.9447921 (12) 5.18 (2) 0
>       -  Edit
> <>
>          -
> <>
>          -
> <>
>       -
>          -
> <>
>          -
> On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 4:20 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> One of the key features of a sucessful LENR reactor design is the high
>> efficiency conversion of LENR energy into heat. Most of the energy that is
>> produced by the LENR reaction is formatted as subatomic particle creation.
>> It is important in a successful LENR reaction design to capture those
>> particles and convert them to heat energy. One method that might do this
>> conversion is a magnetic bottle using a quadruple or another  charged
>> particle confining magnetic field. The muons that come out of the LENR
>> reaction must be confined inside the reactor for up to 10 microseconds to
>> give them enough time to decay. This decay will convert most of the mass of
>> the muon ( 105.6583745(24) MeV/c2 )into heat energy and electrons.
>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 3:42 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>> The COP of the Brillouin reactor is now been verified to be under 1.5...
>>> nearly useless. If I remember correctly, MFMP produced over unity heat in
>>> some of their experiments but not very much. The same low COP issue arose
>>> in the Lugano demo. Low COP is a big problem for LENR. Most of the energy
>>> produced by LENR comes in the form of sub atomic particle generation which
>>> includes huge numbers of neutrinos. In the LENR reaction, the heat is
>>> provided by a minor energy channel involving hawking radiation. The
>>> Brillouin reactor is most likely pumping out a ton of sub atomic particles
>>> as seen in the experiments of Holmlid. Those particles need to be converted
>>> to heat. Therefore, the heat rich LENR reactor should be surrounded by a
>>> blanket of molten lead or thorium salt to capture muons that will catalyze
>>> muon fission. But this type of fission will produce a ton of neutrons
>>> similar to a hot fusion reactor. The dream of a LENR reactor in your
>>> basement might well be impossible unless Rossi has found a way to increase
>>> the proportion of the reaction energy to be radiated in the form of heat.
>>> To verify if this opinion is well founded, a LENR reactor should be
>>> surrounded in lead blocks up to a foot thick. We should see a large flux of
>>> neutrons produced by the lead.

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