Why do microbs live through fusion and fission reactions during
transmutation of elements. This transmutation process can not be denied.
But no one has explained how LENR works in microbs and why these reactions
produce no detectable energy.

Fusions and also fissions of atoms occur inside the bodies of living
beings. Although very few in number, these biological transmutations
reactions involve a large number of species, from bacteria to mammals, in
several biological processes that control and are essential for the life
processes of these organisms.

Researchers began to observe atoms conservation anomalies from the
time conservation
of matter was understood before 1800. It is only from 1959 that some
researchers have understood that transmutations could explain biologic
abnormalities. Since 1975, confirmation and publication of scientific works
by Louis Kervran can be considered to have proven the existence of this
phenomenon, but in 2014, it still has no confirmed theoretical explanation.

This biological effect seems to combine:

   - a chemical reaction
   - a low-energy interaction of atomic nuclei
   - and a catalysis (specific) which favors them in a biological process.

>From 1799 to 1873 researchers asked themselves whether these transmutations
exist. From 1959 to 1972 they have been proven by more than 6,000
elementary experiments. In 2003 Jean-Paul Biberian took stock of all the
atoms involved in one bacterium. Since then some researchers have been
wondering how to use these biological transmutations to reduce pollution by
conventional radioactive waste.

A french site describe this history with many references. Some interesting
points listed here are:

   - The reactions observed in biology are based mostly on mergers and
   fissions with hydrogen, oxygen or carbon and involve at least: H, C, N, O,
   Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S , K, Ca, Mn, Fe.
   - Many of these reactions are reversible, that is to say made also in
   the other direction by other biological processes.
   - Only certain isotopes are concerned and the products are all stable
   - When these biological atomic nuclear reactions, we failed to detect
   radiation typically produced by high energy reactions (alpha, beta, gamma,
   - They only use nuclear interactions called low energy.
   - They are accompanied by a variation in mass in agreement with the
   average binding energy.
   - These reactions are slow.
   - They occur in biological processes.
   - *The residual thermal effect is very small and does not interfere with
   living beings.*
   - Louis Kervran has noted these reactions following this example Mg + O:
   = Ca ([1]
   - They respect the principle of conservation of matter, they will
   integrate the correspondence mass-energy (E = mc2) of relativity and change
   the invariance principle becomes: In biological transmutations, the
   physico-chemical reactions retain the number of nucleons but alter the
   chemical element composition.
   - They occur perhaps in geological processes, or in a neighboring
   phenomenon called “Cold Fusion” (Cold Fusion). In these cases the
   conditions are quite different pressures and temperatures and are not
   compatible with life.

Vysotskii et al. studied the potential of bacterial transmutations for
clean up of nuclear waste.

On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 11:40 PM Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The  ferrosilicon chemistry
> https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/silicon-monoxide
> as per its reference as follows:
> Production of Ferroalloys
> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780080969886000055>
> Rauf Hurman Eric, in Treatise on Process Metallurgy: Industrial Processes
> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780080969886>, 2014
> Fundamental Aspects
> The overall reaction for the reduction of silica with carbon is simple,
> but it involves the absorption of considerable quantity of heat as well as
> attainment of very high temperature in order that the reaction:
> (1.10.75)SiO2+2C=Si+2CO
> shall proceed to the right. The standard Gibbs free energy change is zero
> at 1937 K so that a temperature well in excess of this is needed to drive
> the reaction in a forward direction. In reality, however, the above
> reaction does not represent the actual mechanism of the reduction process
> that occurs through a number of intermediate ones, the principal ones being:
> (1.10.76)SiO2+3C=SiC+2CO
> and
> (1.10.77)SiO2+C=SiOg+CO
> It is noteworthy to see that reaction (1.10.77) produces silicon monoxide gas
> at high temperatures which due to its gaseous nature may result in silicon
> losses if not properly handled and engineered during the process in the
> submerged arc furnace. Reaction (1.10.76)-producing silicon carbide
> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/materials-science/carbide> is
> well-known to occur and accretions of silicon carbide
> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/materials-science/silicon-carbide> are
> found in the cooler parts of a furnace when it is shut down and dug out.
> The reaction is favored by an excess of carbon in the charge. The reason
> why silicon carbide is not found in the hotter parts of the furnace is
> probably because it reacts at a high temperature with silicon monoxide as
> well as with silica itself:
> (1.10.78)SiC+SiOg=2Si+CO
> (1.10.79)2SiC+SiO2=3Si+2CO
> The silicon monoxide reaction (1.10.77) is favored by a deficiency of
> carbon, and in a furnace operated with a cool top much of this is condensed
> on the carbon particles
> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/materials-science/carbon-particle> to
> be reduced to metal on their descent in the furnace. It can thus be
> postulated that the overall reaction probably takes place in two stages,
> namely the formation of silicon carbide in the upper relatively cooler
> parts of the charge followed by reaction with silicon monoxide as well as
> with silica in the hotter regions in the vicinity of electrodes, eventually
> producing liquid silicon.
> In the making of ferrosilicon
> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/materials-science/ferrosilicon>,
> the reduction process is facilitated because the solution of silicon in
> liquid iron is a process with a favorable free energy change as well as
> with an exothermic enthalpy change, so the reduction can take place at a
> lower temperature; for example, the change in free energy where pure liquid
> silicon dissolves to give a 1% solution:
> (1.10.80)Sil=Si1%ΔG°=−119,240–25.48TJ/mol
> at smelting temperatures. Obviously for concentrated solutions, the
> activity of silicon dissolved in iron needs to be taken in account in
> calculating the free energy change in any particular set of conditions. In
> fact, when making low silicon alloys
> <https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/materials-science/silicon-alloys> (high
> Fe content-dilute solutions), the presence of silicon carbide is not
> detected in contrast to the making of silicon metal. The occurrence of
> silicon carbide, especially on the hearth, will require the charging of an
> excess of silica for a time in an attempt to clear and eventually convert
> it to silicon metal or the charging of iron oxide (generally mill scale)
> and a reversion of the process to manufacturing ferrosilicon until the SiC
> accretions have been eliminated.
> Besides ferrosilicon, three compounds are produced: SiO, CO, and SiC.
> Sorry, but  the only chemically carbon bound compounds invoked with 
> ferrosilicon
> chemistry is CO and SiC.
> I know it very hard to disabuse your years long assumption about the
> nature of the LENR reaction. Such misconceptions are a huge stumbling block
> to understanding the true nature of the LENR reaction.
> On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 9:37 PM <mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:
>> In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Sat, 11 May 2019 02:18:14 -0400:
>> Hi,
>> [snip]
>> >I don't beleive that the suspension of the CO gas in Fe-Si exists after
>> my
>> >search. Please provide a link to your reference.
>> [snip]
>> It wouldn't be a gas while chemically bound in the solid. It only becomes
>> a gas
>> when the solid is acted upon by other chemicals, such as would likely be
>> the
>> case during analysis or use of the Fe-Si.
>> I don't have a reference for the specific compound. The only references I
>> had
>> were those already mentioned in a previous post for iron & silicon
>> carbonyl, and
>> a vague reference to a possible ferro-silicon carbonyl:-
>> https://books.google.com.au/books?id=8vs3AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA235&lpg=PA235&dq=%22silicon+carbonyl%22&source=bl&ots=fuTYln3jPN&sig=ACfU3U174UTIgXFSg4R6BqiqDvTbvhufBg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjb0tuk5ZTiAhVVi3AKHXvpAl04ChDoATADegQICRAB#v=onepage&q=%22silicon%20carbonyl%22&f=false
>> Nevertheless I still think a chemical explanation is more likely than a
>> transmutation based explanation.
>> Regards,
>> Robin van Spaandonk
>> local asymmetry = temporary success

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