No one is disagreeing with you.  We're so open minded out brains sometimes
fall out.


On Mon, Feb 24, 2020, 11:40 PM Jonathan Berry <> wrote:

> Let me make another point.
> If I said I had an effect with high voltage, Tesla coils, Vandegraff, all
> manner of EM and it was producing levitation or other weird effects, it
> wouldn't be that hard to believe because you have electromagnetic fields in
> air, why couldn't that create exotic conditions?!   You would recognize it
> as the Hutchison Effect.
> While an image is certainly less, the effects I am claiming are also less,
> and it is manifested from electromagnetic fields in air, yes the
> electromagnetic fields is just regular visible light but still it is at the
> core still EM fields.
> I have heard claims that electromagnetic transmitters were in interference
> creating supposed scalar waves and might have created a "tear' in space,
> and that sound plausible.
> Tesla claimed that with electric fields he made the space between two
> metal plates act as though it were solid.
> What this shows is that electromagnetism can stress space.
> So, if light can cut and push matter around...  Even cause fusion...
> Then why can't electromagnetic fields influence the very medium in which
> they have their existence?
> Sure, I will agree that the energy density of light is low, and it does
> majorly decrease the strength of the effect, but if there is acceptance
> that light can conceivably have some effect on "space" (virtual particles,
> aether, whatever) then there is the possibility of making a device out of
> light instead of matter, and if the design is good, when why not?!
> And even the devices made of matter are presumed to need electromagnetic
> energy to run to levels powerful enough to do useful things.
> I admit I didn't expect making designs out of light to work when I first
> tried, and it did require some improvement of the designs before I was even
> sure...
> But, it DOES work, it might not be the best substance, but it is the most
> practical.
> Light has something akin to rest mass, put a lot of light in a reflective
> box and the box acts as though it has more inertial mass with the light on
> that off.
> Light  is a particle, it has energy, it only transmits through space
> because space has the requisite ability to carry it's fields, to be
> magnetized and polarized.
> Virtual particles exist, why wouldn't they be affected by light?
> Sure, it takes a very powerful design to make something potent with light,
> but this isn't Psychotronics, or Placebo, or Psychic, it's Physics.
> It's a very new branch, and so please, give it a shot, there is near
> infinitely much to gain and nothing to lose.
> If you don't want to admit you can feel it on list, contact me privately,
> I will simply report back numbers of people who feel and don't, and not
> give any names.
> But again, this isn't school, and there is no valid reason to be afraid
> small minded people.
> Screw the limits put on discussion by small minds, by normalcy, by
> convention, aren't we here to explore the outer fringes of what is possible
> and not play it safe?
> Rant over.  For now, I await responses.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan Berry
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 4:59 PM Jonathan Berry <> wrote:
>> While I post that, I'd like to point out that there are blinders, or
>> artificial limits to what can be discussed in "respectable"
>> mainstream manner.
>> It isn't that it is out of the question that aliens exist, the insane
>> abundance of stars in the sky and life in every nook and cranny of earth
>> tell us it's a near certainty...
>> So then why is the idea that they have visited or sighting of such so
>> automatically and unthinkingly banned from scientific or
>> official discussion?
>> Sure, you can discuss such a topic, but there is some weird ban on taking
>> it seriously, and just because where are silly and strange, even
>> inexplicable components to that phenomena does not explain or make valid
>> the taboo.
>> The same goes for conspiracies, or evidence of crimes of political
>> leaders, this is another topic that regardless of the obvious plausibility
>> of such, it cannot be talked about in polite company.
>> And, my subject here too of images that can produce a tangible
>> energy/substance, while it is a bit unexpected, it doesn't violate any
>> knows laws of physics, it could even be seen to be plausible given the
>> quantum vacuum and such, there is plenty of room among what is speculated
>> by conventional physicists to allow for this.
>> And the only investment that is needed to witness this is a few seconds
>> and a not entirely closed mind,
>> That's it, and if I am right, then, well that could be huge, right!
>> Be aware that physical coils I have made have been felt by people even
>> when hidden and they have had zero introduction or expectation that there
>> was anything to feel.
>> Someone on Vortex had their daughter try it, all he said was "put your
>> hand here and she felt it without even being primed with any real
>> expectation.
>> There was a 3? year old kid who asked what the coil was, she was asked to
>> just put her hand over it, she said "oh, it's a heater" and ran off.
>> A coil in the packet of a friend, he went to a Hospital and someone next
>> to him asked "why that can I feel energy coming from the pen in your pocked
>> hitting me on the foot?".
>> I had another guy walk past and he felt it without having any
>> expectations.
>> And another woman who was just told to put her hand above a notebook, she
>> didn't know there was anything other than a notebook there.
>> The point is that it becomes disingeniousness to claim that it is just
>> the placebo effect.
>> There is a science here, it is waiting for people with guts and
>> imagination, willing to step outside of the well worn tracks of science.
>> And yet, there is this illogical and unscientific taboo of open minded
>> investigation, or even any investigation into some things.
>> And that is true seemingly even here.
>> However, if you want to try a bunch of these, or read more, check out my
>> Quora post here, scroll to the images in the middle and try it out:
>> Because science isn't meant to be a religion, or a high-school where
>> subjects are not touched because of how it might look.
>> So please, give it a try, no matter how skeptical you are.
>> Only about 50% of people feel energy from images, about 90% of people
>> feel energy from physical designs.
>> But that is enough that there should be the ability to get some some kind
>> of answe

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