With no answer, kind of hard to tell where people are at.

Though you indicate I'm preaching to a very quiet choir,I will say this in
support of the reality of this energy.
A few years ago I setup a test to see if I could feel which styrofoam cut a
little coil was under.

Now, there were some glitches in early testing I will readily admit, I
found that lines in table or cracks in things to influence what I felt.
I also found that a book under the table (it was a coffee table with 2
levels) reduced the effect markedly.

But once I took account of those issues, I had 10 cups and 9 or 10 times in
a row could feel which cup!
Now I'm sure there is a rick magicians use to do such a trick, and if it is
a trick, then I don't know what that trick is, also I didn't have the
person who did the setup when I would test it, I would go out of the room,
they would pick a cup to put it under (and move all the cups) they would
leave and I would go in and get the right cup.

The odds of getting the right cup that many times is 10 cups by chance is,
well it's just not what happened.

So there is a phenomena here.
It is sensible, it works and breaks based of how something is, and while
belief and consciousness can interfere to a modest degree, that ere a lot
more "signal" that noise.

I can show arguments for where these principles were employed in various
claimed Free Energy and Antigravity claims.

And an increasingly sophisticated grasp exists, most people can feel it,
and he nature of this phenomena allows us to borrow other branches of
physics, especially electrical as these energies have pseudo electrical
properties, are they fractional charges, virtual particles, or something

Back when I presented this in 2013, it wasn't near as advanced, but while
there is still the issue of no obvious empirical measurement/detection of
the effects (because I have no need personally to explore that subject) it
is for many easy to interact with.

Physical result will doubtlessly arise with powered experimentation.

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 5:50 PM Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No one is disagreeing with you.  We're so open minded out brains sometimes
> fall out.
> Cheers!
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2020, 11:40 PM Jonathan Berry <aethe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Let me make another point.
>> If I said I had an effect with high voltage, Tesla coils, Vandegraff, all
>> manner of EM and it was producing levitation or other weird effects, it
>> wouldn't be that hard to believe because you have electromagnetic fields in
>> air, why couldn't that create exotic conditions?!   You would recognize it
>> as the Hutchison Effect.
>> While an image is certainly less, the effects I am claiming are also
>> less, and it is manifested from electromagnetic fields in air, yes the
>> electromagnetic fields is just regular visible light but still it is at the
>> core still EM fields.
>> I have heard claims that electromagnetic transmitters were in
>> interference creating supposed scalar waves and might have created a "tear'
>> in space, and that sound plausible.
>> Tesla claimed that with electric fields he made the space between two
>> metal plates act as though it were solid.
>> What this shows is that electromagnetism can stress space.
>> So, if light can cut and push matter around...  Even cause fusion...
>> Then why can't electromagnetic fields influence the very medium in which
>> they have their existence?
>> Sure, I will agree that the energy density of light is low, and it does
>> majorly decrease the strength of the effect, but if there is acceptance
>> that light can conceivably have some effect on "space" (virtual particles,
>> aether, whatever) then there is the possibility of making a device out of
>> light instead of matter, and if the design is good, when why not?!
>> And even the devices made of matter are presumed to need electromagnetic
>> energy to run to levels powerful enough to do useful things.
>> I admit I didn't expect making designs out of light to work when I first
>> tried, and it did require some improvement of the designs before I was even
>> sure...
>> But, it DOES work, it might not be the best substance, but it is the most
>> practical.
>> Light has something akin to rest mass, put a lot of light in a reflective
>> box and the box acts as though it has more inertial mass with the light on
>> that off.
>> Light  is a particle, it has energy, it only transmits through space
>> because space has the requisite ability to carry it's fields, to be
>> magnetized and polarized.
>> Virtual particles exist, why wouldn't they be affected by light?
>> Sure, it takes a very powerful design to make something potent with
>> light, but this isn't Psychotronics, or Placebo, or Psychic, it's Physics.
>> It's a very new branch, and so please, give it a shot, there is near
>> infinitely much to gain and nothing to lose.
>> If you don't want to admit you can feel it on list, contact me privately,
>> I will simply report back numbers of people who feel and don't, and not
>> give any names.
>> But again, this isn't school, and there is no valid reason to be afraid
>> small minded people.
>> Screw the limits put on discussion by small minds, by normalcy, by
>> convention, aren't we here to explore the outer fringes of what is possible
>> and not play it safe?
>> Rant over.  For now, I await responses.
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan Berry
>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 4:59 PM Jonathan Berry <aethe...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> While I post that, I'd like to point out that there are blinders, or
>>> artificial limits to what can be discussed in "respectable"
>>> mainstream manner.
>>> It isn't that it is out of the question that aliens exist, the insane
>>> abundance of stars in the sky and life in every nook and cranny of earth
>>> tell us it's a near certainty...
>>> So then why is the idea that they have visited or sighting of such so
>>> automatically and unthinkingly banned from scientific or
>>> official discussion?
>>> Sure, you can discuss such a topic, but there is some weird ban on
>>> taking it seriously, and just because where are silly and strange, even
>>> inexplicable components to that phenomena does not explain or make valid
>>> the taboo.
>>> The same goes for conspiracies, or evidence of crimes of political
>>> leaders, this is another topic that regardless of the obvious plausibility
>>> of such, it cannot be talked about in polite company.
>>> And, my subject here too of images that can produce a tangible
>>> energy/substance, while it is a bit unexpected, it doesn't violate any
>>> knows laws of physics, it could even be seen to be plausible given the
>>> quantum vacuum and such, there is plenty of room among what is speculated
>>> by conventional physicists to allow for this.
>>> And the only investment that is needed to witness this is a few seconds
>>> and a not entirely closed mind,
>>> That's it, and if I am right, then, well that could be huge, right!
>>> Be aware that physical coils I have made have been felt by people even
>>> when hidden and they have had zero introduction or expectation that there
>>> was anything to feel.
>>> Someone on Vortex had their daughter try it, all he said was "put your
>>> hand here and she felt it without even being primed with any real
>>> expectation.
>>> There was a 3? year old kid who asked what the coil was, she was asked
>>> to just put her hand over it, she said "oh, it's a heater" and ran off.
>>> A coil in the packet of a friend, he went to a Hospital and someone next
>>> to him asked "why that can I feel energy coming from the pen in your pocked
>>> hitting me on the foot?".
>>> I had another guy walk past and he felt it without having any
>>> expectations.
>>> And another woman who was just told to put her hand above a notebook,
>>> she didn't know there was anything other than a notebook there.
>>> The point is that it becomes disingeniousness to claim that it is just
>>> the placebo effect.
>>> There is a science here, it is waiting for people with guts and
>>> imagination, willing to step outside of the well worn tracks of science.
>>> And yet, there is this illogical and unscientific taboo of open minded
>>> investigation, or even any investigation into some things.
>>> And that is true seemingly even here.
>>> However, if you want to try a bunch of these, or read more, check out my
>>> Quora post here, scroll to the images in the middle and try it out:
>>> https://www.quora.com/What-discovery-have-you-made-which-the-world-isnt-mentally-ready-for/answer/Jonathan-Berry-95
>>> Because science isn't meant to be a religion, or a high-school where
>>> subjects are not touched because of how it might look.
>>> So please, give it a try, no matter how skeptical you are.
>>> Only about 50% of people feel energy from images, about 90% of people
>>> feel energy from physical designs.
>>> But that is enough that there should be the ability to get some some
>>> kind of answe

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