CB Sites <cbsit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When home, I plug it in with the 115V charger device that plugs into a
> standard 3 prong outlet.  Nothing special.   It takes about 6-8 hrs for a
> full charge.   Most commutes for me are about 30miles so I never see the
> gas engine.  Last year my TOTAL gas consumption for this car was 1/2 of a
> tank regular.

I suppose the only problem with that . . . is that gas gets "stale." If you
don't use it. So I have heard.

Question: Does it have a convenient place to attach an inverter? So you can
use it as an emergency generator? I have a Prius with the starter battery
in the back. During an extended power failure, I attach a 2 kW inverter.
With trepidation, because I read that over 1800 W it will blow a fuse. So I
am careful not to put much of a load on it. 1.8 kW is enough to run a
modern refrigerator, several LED lights, and the internet. I made sure of
that with a cheap wattmeter.

This works well because the car motor only comes on a few times an hour. I
wish all hybrids, plug in hybrids and electric cars were equipped with 2
ordinary 120 VAC outlets.

Some people attach large inverters to the Prius traction battery. That's
enough to run your whole house. I don't want to mess with that. That has to
be dangerous!

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