Jonathan Berry <> wrote:

It is not marginal, look at Africa, the places where they give Ivermectin
> routinely has basically no Covid death spikes, the places where they don't
> have the familiar looking waves.

These effects are more easily explained by demographics (many young people)
and by very poor data collection. They are not caused by the use of

As I said, if ivermectin could have this effect, this would be clear from
the double-blind clinical testing. As noted above, many tests have been
done, and 70 in total will be done. That is more than enough to reveal an
effect. Furthermore, even if we assume that the most positive tests so far
are correct, the effect they show is so small it cannot begin to explain
the result in Africa or India.

Beware of wishful thinking and people who do not understand epidemiology
and statistics. The epidemiologists in India are right; the ivermectin
advocates are wrong. I am not aware of any epidemiological look at the
situation in Africa, but the population profiles and the poor quality of
health care and public health statistics are similar. You cannot draw
conclusions from the public health data. For example, in Uttar Pradesh
recent statistics indicate that no one has died from anything. Deaths are
zero in all categories. That can't be right. See:


"For Uttar Pradesh, the raw mortality data obtained from a
Right-to-Information request contained anomalies, such as multiple
districts with zero deaths for numerous months."

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