It is not marginal, look at Africa, the places where they give Ivermectin
routinely has basically no Covid death spikes, the places where they don't
have the familiar looking waves.

If it is taken preventatively and in enough dosage it is basically perfect,
almost no one dies and COVID rapidly disappears, ok, there seems to be a
few people who need more than just that according to FLCCC but it is rare.

Add in enough other things and honestly I have zero concern about COVID,
Melatonin and BHT are things I have suitable stocks of that have shown

And the full protocol with Ivermectin includes for best results an
antibiotic (little known fun fact, they also kill viruses!) and Zinc, but
the IMASK protocol is recommended.

The Vaccine is harmful and has only a very short period of masking the
vaccinated's infected status so they spread it more but are not harmed as
much by the virus, past that period they are more vulnerable than others.

Also it is clear that COVID isn't terribly deadly anymore, after the very
earliest cases (which had a high rate of fatality up to 100% of presenting
cases from some countries) it has mutated to a less deadly variety that
kills very very few even without competent treatment.

Let it run through the population and not that many will die especially
those who are younger and in good health.

However the Vaccine has the certainty of injuring to some degree everyone
it is given to and the potential to kill everyone who gets it
through multiple different pathways.

Literally if everyone took it could wipe humanity out entirely.

One way this could happen is antibody dependent enhancement, which so far
corona virus vaccines tested on animals for classic SARS has demonstrated.
When presented by the virus after some time the response to the virus (or a
new strain of it) is deadly.

Other ways it could result in death have also been explored and even some
ex Pfizer employees are warning against just that.

The fact that a Vaccine that is insufficiently tested, that is made by
companies linked ultimately to the lab that made the virus in the first
place...   Makes me think anyone taking it is taking an incredible risk and
for next to nothing because it's short period of mild effectiveness (can
still catch and spread COVID even during it's period of limited efficacy,
have same levels of transmissible virus particles as unvaccinated as the
Vaccine doesn't stop replication in the nasal tract, it works deeper in the
body) is quickly over.

On Sat, 11 Sept 2021 at 06:35, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Jonathan Berry <> wrote:
> Jed, You point me to a study where it was tested this way suitably, I
>> suspect it will have been highly flawed if that was the result.
> I suspect you will say that any result you disagree with is flawed by
> definition.
> But you are missing my point. Even if we assume the most positive studies
> are correct, the effect is still marginal. It cannot explain the events in
> India. The drug cannot be used instead of vaccines. If you are vaccinated,
> there is no need to use ivermectin or anything else, including drugs that
> we know actually work, such as remdesivir. We don't need these things any
> more than we need iron lungs and the various therapies for dealing with
> polio symptoms. The vaccine all-but ensures you will not get a serious
> case. A third booster reduces the likelihood of infection by 95%. The
> problem is fixed. The pandemic can easily be eradicated, and driven into
> extinction in the human species. Vaccines are far cheaper than any other
> drug. Even if ivermectin works, you have to take it for days, and you are
> sick while you do that, which costs you a lot in lost productivity. Whereas
> two doses of vaccine cost practically nothing.

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