On 12.09.2021 04:04, CB Sites wrote:
The free press is amazing in sorting out what is BS and what isn't, and considering there is a Chinese influence program actively invading social media like this, and you mention Sinovax, directed it to 'the west',  all I can say is your just a propaganda weapon.

First for all:

Vortex is not a propaganda network. We here spread information.

I hope people find out themselves how many agents are working for the ruling mafia.

I mentioned 3 vaccines one from USA... The rest is experimental gene therapy... Just medical facts.

 I wasn't trying to attack you, your beliefs, or anything like that, so chill.  I was just agreeing with Jed and reporting on a Washington Post article that is appropriate to your propaganda.

Once more. Science is not about believes. You just did reference FUD.

The Washington post is owned by a former CIA agent and spreads deep state propaganda, when they are ordered to do so. Some friends of mine tested all major media about their willingness to publish proven science data/information about CoV-19. So I can confirm that also NYtimes/BBC,FAZ/Spiegel, Guardian, Nature, Lancet, Scientific American... and most news channels in Europe & USA just publish mafia ordered information. (= are not willing to publish science facts, that contradict with mafia targets)

*The same we see in cold fusion.*

It is obvious that especially in the USA the ruling mafia claims to follow science exactly, when they violate all rules of science. This is how free masons do politics since centuries.

*Same in LENR.* Physics is experiments not math. So cold fusion has been proven thousands times by experiments thus the claimed math (science) is wrong.

The same with Ivermectin. One billion Indian folks did take it and COV-19 is gone. This is facts not Washington post FUD. Here I personally asked BBC to document it. Comment from BBC: There is no public interest in this... So 1 billion healthy India people is a marginal issue....

Here a link to the Swiss political research institute. This is a 100% independent think tank and gives you the most complete overview (references  > 100 papers) about all facts around CoV-19


May be I should ask them to do the same for cold fusion!


Jürg Wyttenbach
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