Robin <> wrote:

> Hi,
> My point is that no chargers would be needed at all, because they are
> effectively already built into vehicles.

I get that. That is why I wrote, "a charger (or discharger)." But even with
a much simpler device, you still need wires under the parking lot, and
receptacles of some sort. Like 220 VAC plugs, I guess. People will run over
the plugs. The plugs will get flooded by rain. The pavement will crack and
break them. Anything in a parking lot gets a lot of abuse. As I said,
chargers in parking lots today are above the curb, and sometimes surrounded
by heavy bars to prevent damage. Yet I have seen ones that someone ran
into. Dented and scratched.

I think it is not practical to equip most parking places in an office
parking lot with chargers or simple "dischargers." I think the cost of this
would far exceed the benefits from distributed generation. But I could be

Another problem may arise. I hope that self-driving cars become common. I
hope that self driving taxi services become common. So that many people
take a Uber-like taxi-like self-driving car to the office, and the car then
drives off to pick up another passenger. This will reduce the need for
parking spaces. It should be cheaper for the passenger, since it shares the
cost of the vehicle, insurance and maintenance. Plus you don't have to pay
the driver. If I could summon a self-driving taxi quickly, I would not own
a car. Since this reduces the number of parking spaces and parked cars, it
reduces the total capacity of distributed generation by EVs.

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