Greetings Jed,

> The person in this video asserts that the Twin Towers
> were destroyed on purpose, with explosives. As Ed Storms
> and I have pointed out previously, hundreds of the 
> world's best civil engineers examined the videos and 
> physical evidence from the Towers, such as the melted 
> steel. This was the most detailed, expensive and 
> thorough engineering investigation in history.
> All of them agreed that the airplanes alone 
> destroyed the structure. The notion that you could
> fool all of these experts, or bribe or frighten them
> into hiding the truth, is ludicrous. It is utterly
> impossible -- utterly absurd.


I pretty much agree with analysis you and other structural engineers have had 
to say on this particularly sordid historical event.

Unfortunately, as I'm sure you are also well resigned to, your arguments will 
do little to change the minds of what appear to be a number of vocal 
participants who remain convinced the WTC buildings were brought down by 
missiles pre-launched by the jets, combined with a carefully planned conspiracy 
that had to have been conceived and implemented from within the highest 
echelons of our government.

It seems to me that it's really not about uncovering the awful truths of what 
actually happened on that awful day of 9/11. It's more about grappling with the 
belief that we live in a cynical world where intrigue and deception lurks in 
most of the established institutions that run the daily affairs of our mundane 
lives, for which many of us may occasionally feel helpless to change.

As I have suggested many times in the past: Chose your conspiracies wisely.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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