On 2/20/07, Jed Rothwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The person in this video asserts that the Twin Towers were destroyed
on purpose, with explosives. As Ed Storms and I have pointed out
previously, hundreds of the world's best civil engineers examined the
videos and physical evidence from the Towers, such as the melted
steel. This was the most detailed, expensive and thorough engineering
investigation in history. All of them agreed that the airplanes alone
destroyed the structure. The notion that you could fool all of these
experts, or bribe or frighten them into hiding the truth, is
ludicrous. It is utterly impossible -- utterly absurd.

I'm sorry but that's just not so.
The steel structure of the WTC was massive, as you assert later airplanes
just don't do that much damage, and most of the fuel was burnt in the first
few seconds outside the building.

Assuming pancaking is possible, it is going to slow the fall.
it would take 7 seconds for something dropped from the WTC to hit the
ground, one collapsed in just 8 seconds.
Which means that basically the pancaking offered no resistance at all, if
that were the case I wonder why it hadn't come down already from just a
boisterous party with everyone jumping around.

And what of WTC 7?
It is the only building to come down due to fire! Ever!
And it wasn't a case of it being badly damaged by the fall of the WTC towers
because the other smaller buildings around it very badly damaged
(understatement) remained standing.

But what of the bone fragments found on the roofs of distant buildings, are
we meant to believe that this can be caused by a building in free fall?

And as already mention people injured in an explosion in the basement.

*Honestly there isn't a single part of this that adds up, but I suspect that
you are simply not open to the possibilities that the US Government would do
that to it's own people.

That is however blind naive trust, Hitler did it in Germany.
And what of the medical experiments on Black men, and White women in
America, and other crimes by those in power?

If you pay attention to cold fusion, you will see that one of the
most important lessons is: Experts are right. Electrochemists and
materials scientists know what they are doing, and when they say
there is excess heat, you should believe them. You  should NOT
believe idiots who know nothing about the relevant science, such as
Robert Park in the case of cold fusion, or the economist in this
video. This guy actually said, in the beginning of the video, that
when he saw the initial images on television he was "sure those
building would not fall." Compare that to the reaction of every
qualified engineering expert in the world who saw the videos. They
all knew that it was just a matter of time -- minutes or hours --
before the buildings collapsed. According to their later testimony,
the only thing that surprised most of them was how long the buildings
stood. As I mentioned here years ago, one of the British experts
tried to get through by phone to the New York Police to warn them to
evacuate, because -- he later told investigators -- he could tell at
a glance that the building would soon fall.

Also, John Berry's assertion that no aircraft crashed in
Pennsylvania, and that aircraft leave a large hole in the ground is

I didn't say Aircraft leave a large hole in the ground, indeed they don't.
But this one did, you didn't watch the video so you don't know what your
talking about here.

I know a thing or two about crashed airplanes. I have
seen many photos of them, plus two small fatal air crashes here at
the Peachtree Dekalb airport. They caused no more damage to the
surroundings than a car crash.

So check out the video, you will see a hole in the ground, confetti and
that's it.
Nothing that came anywhere close to explaining where a 100 ton (or tonne?)
Boeing and how many passengers? went.
Find a single crash in aviation history where nothing is left, but for a
hold in the ground.
Oh, I know, they are underground! ;)

My father visited Stalingrad and other
Russian battlefields, and saw the remains of large aircraft that
crashed plus lots of other destroyed equipment and holes in the
ground -- the worst mayhem in history. He did not see (and you will
not see in the photos of the battle) giant holes in the ground,
except from artillery.


Even the largest modern aircraft accidents
seldom make large holes. Airplanes are light, low density aluminum
vehicles. There is a test facility next to my office where people
crush and destroy aircraft wings and fuselages, and they leave a
large pile of wrecked equipment behind the building. I have seen
people over there carry around smashed wing sections larger than
themselves, and in air crashes the fragments are seldom as large as
people (and what is left of the people on board is seldom larger than
a breadbox). When aircraft strike the ground or a concrete wall, they
shatter into many small pieces. It is not like a cartoon, where they
make a single large hole in the shape of an airplane. Also, as with
the Towers, there were thousand of witnesses and rescue workers

And they all said observed that there was pretty much nothing there.
Show me a single plane crash where 1: There is nothing of any size left and
not even a lot of what is left 2: Despite 1, there is a hole in the ground.

, and
if there had not been a smashed airplane on the ground in
Pennsylvania, that secret would be impossible to cover up.

There is indeed a crashed unmanned something, but not an airplane.

May I also point out that on both of the videos showing the 1st plane hit
(There was another one besides the fireman one), and all videos showing the
second one hit, there is a flash seen before the plane hits.

This flash is unmistakable and impossible to explain away.

There are also other flaws:
The ID's of the Hijackers, of the passengers on the planes, The video of
Osama who had said he didn't do it, now saying he had, only it didn't look
like him.
The phone calls couldn't have been made from the planes.
Planes can't even pull off the turns and ascent/decent claimed. (This is
both because they switched planes in flight, and the planes which hit were
not boeings)

How about this one.
One of the Pilots supposedly flying one of the planes (I forget which one,
watch 'loose change 2' on youtube) took part in a mock exercise of such an
event in the 80's before becoming a United pilot.

What of the hijackers passports (not required on a national flight) found
outside the WTC? sound believable to you?
One woman (I forget which of the 4 planes) they found her ID twice, oh well.

It is odd that the did an unprecedented power down of the WTC while guys
were running around wiring something up just before hand, also strange that
after that they stopped the bomb sniffing dogs they always had, but I'm sure
the security handled by a company run by Bush's bro wouldn't do any such

Because politician are good, they wouldn't do anything evil?
You feel that deep down inside right?
Leaders never attack their own people, just look a history.
In fact I wonder how the term 'false flag operation' even entered the
English language.

I propose that leaders, of America anyway, democratically elected (well, we
think but don't look too close you know) should not even be considered
possible to do anything bad, well to their own people at least, mostly at
least. (and certainly not Bush, he cares so much he flew over New Orleans in
a plane, Ok he didn't send any help but still)

Or are you willing to consider the possibility that they may have done it,
that it shouldn't be ruled out of hand as it was with Hitler and Nero, in
which case it is only a question of where the evidence lies?

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