Nick Palmer wrote..

Your whole position, and that of people like you, seems to be based upon the 
irrational belief that people cannot affect the planets systems for good or 
ill. Bring on whatever you have got - I will try to demolish it.

Howdy Nick,

Anyone with eyes can see a huge black dead  area in the Gulf of Mexico  south 
of New Orleans. Water flows from the Mississippi River into the Gulf likely 
contains enough pollutants to change the eco-systems of that body of water and 
cause this dead spot.

The question is not in identifying the problem, it is in how to address the 
problem. The difficulty is compounded by people with agendas outside the scope 
of the main problem.

Our companies have been in the wastewater industry for more than 40 years and 
we are painfully aware of the ever increasing tasks.

In Texas, we have several state agencies plus a number of non profit advocacy 
groups receiving public funding. These groups can be described by Rush Limbaugh 
types as "rabid left wing liberal feminazi in their makeup". They have an 
amazing ability to be in front of a TV cam anytime there is money being doled 
out by Gov't.
BUT.. try to enlist them in a discussion of proposed solutions and they go 
We have the huge Alcoa plant near Rockdale , some 30-60,000 acres. They want to 
close it down. We proposed the state step in a begin research in how to 
candidly address the " solid wate problems" facing the state. We proposed a 
massive program that includes recycling wastes on a state wide basis.

What was the response for these non profit advocacy groups that devote so much 
time to foaming at the mouth over pollution and global warming... SILENCE!!!  
Why? Because they are political organizations masquerading  as 

Your statement " bring on whatever you have got- I will try to demolish it"...
 positions you in the center of the railroad tracks waving a white flag of 
surrender. This will get you run over. There is a way to address world climate 
change.. but, not by standing in the middle of the tracks screaming and 

Every industrial customer we serve has a keen sense of the environment and have 
active pollution abatement working.

The last time I looked , the Fed was the biggest problem. the biggest polluter 
and the biggest opponent. Thats ALL of us , not just Philip and Richard.


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